The Palin bounce is now history and her positives and negatives are about even since her selection. The McCain campaign continues to keep her media opportunties limited. Her public speeches reveal enough gaffes and empty suit platitudes that shows she has trouble reading a script.Â
Now, there’s word the McCain team wants a new set of rules for the VP debate October 2 that restricts the amount of response time by the candidates to questions posed of them. More after the jump.
From this story in the NY Times:
At the insistence of the McCain campaign, the Oct. 2 debate between the Republican nominee for vice president, Gov. Sarah Palin, and her Democratic rival, Senator Joseph R. Biden Jr., will have shorter question-and-answer segments than those for the presidential nominees, the advisers said. There will also be much less opportunity for free-wheeling, direct exchanges between the running mates.
McCain advisers said they had been concerned that a loose format could leave Ms. Palin, a relatively inexperienced debater, at a disadvantage and largely on the defensive.
I have to wonder if she’ll keep bringing up the “Thanks but No Thanks” to the Bridgeto Nowhere, even though she kept he earmark for other projects and approved the “Road to Nowhere” at $8 million a mile.
My pal Emily has also asked me to ask you to make a contribution to Planned Parenthood in Sarah Palin’s name. Details below: