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RNC Cracks Down on Dissent

August 31, 2008 8

This was sent to me this evening. If you’re not familiar with Starhawk, she is a noted feminist writer and peace activist and is now […]

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The Maverick and the MILF

August 30, 2008 29

Bill Maher is back on HBO and be sure to catch his show. The headline of this post is his assessment of McCain’s selection of […]

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One thing the Dark Lord Finally Gets

August 29, 2008 1

I have been reading Mike Schroeder’s blog entries for Total Buz.  While mostly partisan and forgettable, Mike did write something I agree with: Journalism is […]

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Dan Quayle in a Dress

August 29, 2008 30

I listened to remarks from Sarah Palin and it took me back 20 years to Dan Quayle’s introductory speech.  Quayle was selected because of his […]