1. …and a day later everyone is talking about McCain’s pick for VP.

    Sad that such a great speech didn’t even last one news cycle…

    Obama should have picked a woman. His choice of Biden is looking like a very bad one.

  2. Have you picked up a paper today Art? Its Page one in every paper in America. 38 million people watchd the speech; millions more heard it on radio. It was historic and long lasting. And everyone was talking about it last night and into this morning.

    Everyone knew yesterday Mccain was naming his VP. They have their convention next week. I’d worry about the GOP convention being overshadowed by Hurricane Gustav.

    You are DTS — Democrats don’t care what you have to say and neither do Republicans. Should you spend some time finishing your campaign web site?

  3. Hell has frozen over:

    PAT BUCHANAN: “I stand with Obama! It was a genuinely outstanding speech, it was magnificent. I saw Cuomo’s speech, I saw Kennedy in ‘80, I even saw Douglas MacArthur, I saw MLK; this is the greatest convention speech and probably the most important because unlike Cuomo and the others, this was an acceptance speech, this came out of the heart of America, and he went right at the heart of America. This wasn’t a liberal speech at all. This is a deeply, deeply centrist speech. It had wit, it had humor, and when he used the needle on McCain, he stuck it into McCain and it was funny. It was Kennedy’s speech in ‘80. I laughed with Kennedy when he was needling Ronald Reagan.”

  4. Hey Dan, Pat is as partisan as they get, but he knows a good speech when he hears it. I was shocked but he’s absolutely right! Refreshing isn’t it? Olbermann actually had to cut Pat off from his effusive praise of Obama’s speech.

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