Bill Maher is back on HBO and be sure to catch his show. The headline of this post is his assessment of McCain’s selection of Sarah Palin as VP. My favorite line though: “Republicans know how to fill a football stadium with screaming people too. They filled the Superdome during Hurricane Katrina.”
With the lone exception of Matt Cunningham and the other Republican commentators on this site, all my conservative neighbors feel this pick is a huge mistake. There’s even been a suggestion that someone nominate Romney at the Convention, but no one knows how to do this without politically castrating McCain for his pick.
More pics after the jump.
and looks like Cindy better have her hubby castrated right away, given his past reputation
There is a great article on the Huffington Post by Robert J. Elisberg entitled The Worst Vice-Presidential Nominee in U.S. History. Check it out.
fyi –
Here’s another. It seems the MILF had no problems signing a windfall
profits tax into law benefitting her residents while gas prices in the
lower 48 were climbing to records heights.
I wonder if McCain knew about that before he made his decision.
I’m betting he didn’t.
I’m not sure what conservatives you hang out with, Dan, but Matt’s crowd is thrilled (check out Rush, Hugh Hewitt, James Dobson), and they make up the most fervent bunch of the GOP base.
They have to be; they have no choice. I’m talking about ardent Reagan fanatics in my Irvine neighborhood. No one is happy with this pick. Wonder if Matt and Hugh will back up their support of the ticket with a financial contribution.
Dan C,
I challenge you to find a comment as vile and disgusting as your reference to Sarah Palin in this headline – on a mainstream Conservative or Republican blog in reference to any Democrat.
You are lower than the belly of a sewer snake. You have zero class and apparently no respect for women.
Sure junior — start with and keep scrolling or going through the archieves. Then move on to the collected works of Ann Coulter. Don’t forget John McCain called his own wife the C-word and he made a bad joke that Chelsea Cliniton was so ugly because Janet Reno was her father. Do you listen to Rush? Hannity? How about Michael Savage “Liberalism is a Mental Disorder.” I could go on and on.
Sorry Dan –
You lose. The term you used in this headline was more vile, disgusting and degrading to women than anything I have heard on any mainstream conservative blog.
What do the LOC readers think?
Was Dan’s derisive headline term referring to Sarah Palin (as a M*L*) acceptable and civil debate technique?
Is it now open season on all women?
Are nasty and crude terms now acceptable toward any woman? Or just toward conservative women?
MILF is worse than C#$T? Its open season on politicians with lightweight resumes, regardless of gender. I mean Palin thinks the Pledge of Allegience was coined by our founding fathers.
Nothing is worse than what John McCain called his own wife. Call your own wife that and she’ll knock you over the head with a piece of sheet metal.
Dan C. – Please be more careful concerning revealing personal information online. We already went through a big deal about that, I am sure you recall that episode.
Would you mind if I referrred to your wife in the manner you referred to Sarah Palin?
I find you lacking in dignity, civility and honor. I will no longer be contacting your lame blog.
what personal information?
My wife can take care of herself and has been called much worse thank you. She doesn’t need me to fight her battles; she does fine on her own
“what personal information?” – “… piece of sheet metal.”
You know that my business is sheet metal.
“My wife can take care of herself and has been called much worse thank you. She doesn’t need me to fight her battles; she does fine on her own.”
OK – my wife vs. your wife no verbal holds barred. Where would you like the remains to be sent?
I have no idea who you are.
I have no idea that you exist.
Junior: Go out and grow a pair. Palin’s a total MILF, just like a lot of my queer brothers think Gavin Newsome is a DILF.
You are disgusting as usual Gustavo.
Go back to apologizing for Mater Dei pedophiles and deriding same-sex marriage, Mike.
Well, some of us think Gavin looks … oily.
Wow Gustavo – I thought that you were not in favor of revealing identities online. It appears that no longer applies.
Why do some of you men think like pigs? It is no wonder why young boys today make passes at their friend’s mothers. My son’s friend did with me and it wasn’t funny at all! I found it scary and extremely disrespectful.
junior, it is people like you who sicken me to my core. You are so caught up in the republican kool aid that if I saw you your face it would probably be totally red. Dan is right, do you mean to tell me C**T is more “vile” than Milf? milf is actually a semi-compliment (if your a mature woman who is attractive) whereas the C word is mean spirited in nature. But of course thats not how tunnle visioners (I coined that term) like yourself see it. All you want is what the ‘they’ want and that is to keep treating this woman with kid gloves so that she gets a free pass and no one can touch her. Well, guess what…ITS NOT GONNA HAPPEN!! Rupert Murdoch will still spin what he can on his sorry excuse for a network but hopefully the mainstream media is waking up to the bull-sh1t and will start remebering what it is to actually report the news as we see it (and yes this goes beyond the M**F statement)
miguel g.
If M*L* is not such a bad term, why did you not “spell” it out completely?
I do not expect any candidate for public office to be treated with kid gloves. I do expect all candidates, whether they are male or female Republican or Democrat, to be treated with respect and civility.
BTW – Congrats on “your” coined term (tunnel visioners). Will you be copyrighting that?
In the interest of making a point – is your wife (or sig/ot) a MILF? Do you mind that I refer to her as a MILF? Is your mother a MILF? Is Dan C’s wife and/or mother a MILF?
Junior — yep; my wife is a hottie and we just celebrated our 25th wedding aniversary on Wednesday; take that Prop 8!!!!
Oh my, is it too late for me to jump in on this MILF debate?
First, I agree with this mysterious Junior character (whose identity is obviously so hard for everybody to figure out) – it’s inappropriate to use that term on Governor Palin.
MILFs – the first ones who come to my head – would be Michelle Obama. Angelina Jolie. And I guess Debbie Cook if her husband wasn’t a friend of mine.
Palin, only modestly easy on the eyes, would also make me feel kind of dirty if you know what I mean. Factoring in character and personality, as a sensitive guy needs to do, Governor Palin qualifies as not so much a MILF, as a SKANK.
I’m not sure what conservatives you hang out with, Dan, but Matt’s crowd is thrilled (check out Rush, Hugh Hewitt, James Dobson), and they make up the most fervent bunch of the GOP base.
The Mexican is right. Jubal’s crowd is ecstatic with “Now we got the young, now we got the sexy.” The famously prudish Jubal even saw fit to post an extremely horny Craig Ferguson video clip drooling over the Governor, Matt’s pretext being “This will help with white male voters.” You know, that ever-elusive demographic that Republicans are forever chasing.
Vern – Thanks – but no thanks. If you want to list SKANKS start with the NOW crowd and work your way down “hill.”
Well Junior, maybe it just comes down to one man’s skank is another man’s MILF. And viceversa. And that’s all she wrote.
I don’t care much for the MILF word, but if that is all Palin gets as complements, it is her funeral.
But we cannot get this woman to be our VP, get Mitt Romney in. This is a nationla shame and we know it.
Given her inability to speak in clear declarative sentence in the Couric interview, I’d say the word “bimbo” fits pretty well.