Do You Read Political Blogs?
Join Research about Political Blog Readers
- A regular reader of political blogs – 4 or more different blogs in a week.
- Lives in or around Orange County, CA
- Owns a personal computer.
- Age of 18 or over.
The purpose of this research is to investigate how people read and interact with blogs and to explore the development of computer programs aimed at blog readers to allow for entirely new ways of reading blogs. Participation in this research will involve monthly in-person interviews lasting through the 2008 November elections, including one or more group interviews, and the use of prototype software we are developing to help people read blogs. There is no risk to participants and involvement can be ended at any time. Participants will be entered in a drawing for a $100 Amazon.com gift card at the end of the research period. Participants’ privacy and rights will be completely protected. Participation is completely voluntary and may be discontinued at any time.
If interested contact:
Lead Researcher                                Co-Researcher
Eric Baumer                                       Jordan Sinclair: jsinclai@uci.edu
Department of Informatics                   Faculty Sponsor
University of California, Irvine             Bill Tomlinson