The 8 am Wednesday update is below. If you want to check the results directly they can be found here.
Registration and TurnoutÂÂ
Completed Precincts: 97 of 97ÂÂ
Reg/Turnout Percentage
Total Registered Voters 214,231  ÂÂ
Precinct Registration 214,231
Precinct Ballots Cast 3974  1.86%ÂÂ
Early Ballots Cast 0 0.00%
Vote-by-Mail Ballots Cast 20595 9.61%
Total Ballots Cast 24569 11.47%
Shall Marlene Draper be recalled (removed) from the office of Governing Board Member-Trustee Area 2?ÂÂ
Completed Precincts: 97 of 97ÂÂ
          Vote Count Percentage ÂÂ
Yes        16982         69.8%ÂÂ
No          7357         30.2%ÂÂ
Candidates to succeed Marlene Draper as Governing Board Member if she is recalled.ÂÂ
Completed Precincts: 97 of 97 ÂÂ
                    Vote Count PercentageÂÂ
SUE PALAZZO    16780       100.0%ÂÂ
Shall Sheila Benecke be recalled (removed) from the office of Governing Board Member-Trustee Area 5?ÂÂ
Completed Precincts: 97 of 97ÂÂ
       Vote Count PercentageÂÂ
Yes      16935        69.9%ÂÂ
No       7277        30.1%ÂÂ
Candidates to succeed Sheila Benecke as Governing Board Member if she is recalled.ÂÂ
Completed Precincts: 97 of 97 ÂÂ
                               Vote Count PercentageÂÂ
KEN MADDOX              10157       56.3%ÂÂ
GARY V MILLER            6717        37.3%ÂÂ
MAKAM SUBBARAO       1158        6.4%ÂÂ
The 10 pm update is below. If you want to check the results directly they can be found here.
Shall Marlene Draper be recalled (removed) from the office of Governing Board Member-Trustee Area 2?ÂÂ
Completed Precincts: 48 of 97ÂÂ
Vote  Count PercentageÂÂ
Yes    15721   71.0%ÂÂ
No      6432   29.0%ÂÂ
Candidates to succeed Marlene Draper as Governing Board Member if she is recalled.ÂÂ
Completed Precincts: 48 of 97ÂÂ
Vote                Count PercentageÂÂ
SUE PALAZZO   15465   100.0%ÂÂ
Shall Sheila Benecke be recalled (removed) from the office of Governing Board Member-Trustee Area 5?ÂÂ
Completed Precincts: 48 of 97ÂÂ
Vote    Count PercentageÂÂ
Yes      15666    71.1%ÂÂ
No        6357    28.9%ÂÂ
Candidates to succeed Sheila Benecke as Governing Board Member if she is recalled.ÂÂ
Completed Precincts: 48 of 97ÂÂ
Vote                        Count PercentageÂÂ
KEN MADDOX            9195     55.5%ÂÂ
GARY V MILLER        6311     38.1%ÂÂ
MAKAM SUBBARAO   1053     6.4%  ÂÂ
Here are the initial vote-by-mail returns for the Capistrano Unified School District Recall.
Registration and TurnoutÂÂ
Completed Precincts: 0 of 97ÂÂ
Reg/Turnout Percentage
Total Registered Voters 214,231  ÂÂ
Precinct Registration 214,231  ÂÂ
Precinct Ballots Cast 0  0.00%ÂÂ
Early Ballots Cast 0 0.00%
Vote-by-Mail Ballots Cast 20595 9.61%
Total Ballots Cast 20595 9.61%
Shall Marlene Draper be recalled (removed) from the office of Governing Board Member-Trustee Area 2?ÂÂ
Completed Precincts: 0 of 97ÂÂ
Vote Count PercentageÂÂ
Yes 14671 72.0%ÂÂ
No 5710 28.0%ÂÂ
Candidates to succeed Marlene Draper as Governing Board Member if she is recalled.ÂÂ
Completed Precincts: 0 of 97ÂÂ
 Vote Count PercentageÂÂ
SUE PALAZZO 14379 100.0%ÂÂ
Shall Sheila Benecke be recalled (removed) from the office of Governing Board Member-Trustee Area 5?ÂÂ
Completed Precincts: 0 of 97ÂÂ
 Vote Count PercentageÂÂ
Yes 14613 72.1%ÂÂ
No 5641 27.9%ÂÂ
Candidates to succeed Sheila Benecke as Governing Board Member if she is recalled.ÂÂ
Completed Precincts: 0 of 97ÂÂ
 Vote Count PercentageÂÂ
KEN MADDOX 8403 54.7%ÂÂ
GARY V MILLER 5986 39.0%ÂÂ
The recall group has completely lost the last of the support I had for them. As a teacher and parent of 3 children in the district, I was appalled at their hypocrisy. If its really about the kids, then $774,000 could have been spent on repairs, upgrades, teachers, aides, etc. I have been teaching for 22 years and have learned to ignore most of the political stuff, but this is the first time I have been ANGRY! I can’t believe the gall of these people. Be assured I am telling every parent I can to oppose these people in any way they can.