CNN: Democrats want Dream OC Ticket-Obama/Clinton

I’m not the only one.  I remember the debate in Hollywood just before Super Tuesday where someone suggested they run together and there was this thunderous ovation. 

The economy remains issue number one.  And John McCain has already said he doens’t know a lot about economics.  How about a ticket with degrees froim Harvard and Yale?


  1. Yeah, Heather, I’ve also been thinking about Wesley, like forever. Real close to the Clintons, a southerner, military and foreign experience, and completely qualified to be President should the worst happen. Whereas Hillary, as some Kossack suggested, would be perfect filling Ted Kennedy’s big shoes as the Senate’s “Lion of Labor.” (And she wouldn’t have to demonstrate how “tough” she is on foreign policy any more.)

  2. Wesley Clark for defense secretary. He can’t help Obama with women or blue collar workers like Hillary can and she has proven fundraising skills he lacks

  3. Dream ticket? More like a nightmare ticket.

    Senator Obama needs the Clinton’s micro-managing him like he needs to throw his presidency down the drain before it even begins.

    The VP pick is critical. Senator Clinton is a poor choice to show Senator Obama as a leader with a mind of his own.

    Sorry, Obama/ Clinton is a losing ticket.

  4. Great idea, I’m broadcasting this far and wide too in the hopes that it sticks and Obama agrees to pick her. What are the chances? I think it would be best for unity.

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