Jenna and Laura Bush are coming to the OC

First Lady Laura Bush, a former librarian and teacher, and daughter Jenna Bush will be paying a visit to Irvine in May to celebrate the publication of their new children’s book, “Read All About It!”

Books/tickets are on sale at 10 a.m. at A Whale of a Tale Bookshoppe, 4199 Campus Drive, Suite A, Irvine.The event will take place at 6 p.m. Friday, May 23, at A Whale of a Tale. Tickets are required to see Laura and Jenna Bush and will be received when a book is purchased at the store in advance of the visit.

“Read All About It!” (HarperCollins, 32 pages, $17.99) is about a young boy who loves everything about school except for reading – until he and his classmates are swept up in an adventure. The book, illustrated by Denise Brunkus, is intended for readers ages 4-8, and is being published in English and Spanish.

OC Register

The First Lady and her daughter are going on a book tour to promote their joint effort. Jenna made some news last week when she waffled about supporting McCain for President on the Larry King Show to promote the book. Yes, crazy isn’t it? She wants to learn about the candidates. I knew I liked Jenna for a reason.

Is there a dissenter in the House of Bush? Last night on Larry King Live, the Suspendered One asked guests Laura and Jenna Bush whom they favor — Hillary Clinton or Barack Obama. Jenna revealed that she’s still not sure whom she’s voting for. It could even be — horrors — a Democrat. Naturally, when Laura Bush was asked which of the two Democratic candidates she prefers, her Cheney-powered shock collar went off and she blurted out “the Republican.” has the exchange:

KING: Do you have a favorite between the two, the two Democrats?

LAURA BUSH: My favorite is the Republican.

KING (pointing to Jenna): Yours too, I would imagine.

JENNA BUSH: I don’t know.

KING: A-ha! Are you open to…

JENNA BUSH: Yeah, of course. I mean, who isn’t open to learning about the candidates and I’m sure that everybody’s like that.

NY Magazine