DA Press Conference: John Chamberlain Report

I took the opportunity to take an early lunch break today to walk across the street and participate in the DA Tony Rackaucus presser regarding the release of the Grand Jury Investigative Report about the jail house murder of John Chamberlain. The full text of the report should be up shortly on the DA’s website at orangecountyda.com. It is also up on the OCRegister site HERE

The most striking, and shocking, information I learned today was the extent to which people trusted with the command authorty to protect the public, including prisoners in our county jail, went to obstruct the investigation of Chamberlain’s murder.

It’s going to take me a while to go through the entire report, but as soon as I do I’ll write more. Matt Cunningham was there with his “unsteady-cam” and should have that video up later today on Red County.