DNC Press Release on Florida Delegates

For Immediate Release
April 2, 2000

[See also “UPDATE” below]

Joint Statement from DNC Chairman Howard Dean, Florida Democratic Chairwoman Karen L. Thurman and the Florida Congressional Delegation on Seating Florida’s Delegates

Washington, DC – After a joint meeting today among Democratic National Committee Chairman Howard Dean, Florida Democratic Chairwoman Karen L. Thurman and the Florida Congressional Delegation, the participants issued this joint statement:     
“We are all committed to doing everything we can to ensure that a Florida delegation is seated in Denver. We all agree that whatever the solution, it must have the support of both campaigns. While there may be differences of opinion in how we get there, we are all committed to ensuring that Florida’s delegation is seated in Denver. We’re committed to working with both campaigns to reach a solution as soon as realistically possible. We are also laying the groundwork to ensure we win in Florida in November and spent time here today talking about how to do just that. We will continue to work towards a solution to ensure delegates are seated and logistics are in place for a Florida delegation in Denver.”

UPDATE — After hearing this news, I also received the following from a California DNC member:

[Following the press release,] the Clinton Campaign immediately released a press statement saying they were willing to resolve this issue forthwith and wanted a quick DNC Rules and Bylaws Committee meeting to resolve it. The Obama Campaign was supportive of a solution but did not call for a DNC Rules and Bylaws Committee meeting.

It is the DNC Rules and Bylaws Committee that has to resolve this issue before 30 June 2008, otherwise it becomes a National Convention Credentials Committee matter as they take jurisdiction on credentials matters on 1 July 2008.

Here are questions that will need to be addressed in the future:

1. Will Florida have a “voting” delegation or a “non-voting” delegation;
2. Will Florida receive all 211 delegates or a lesser number;
3. Will Florida delegates be casting a full vote each or only a ½ vote;
4. Will the results of the 29 January 2008 primary be used to allocate delegates;
5. What happens to the delegates already chosen.