“It’s not enough to just have parents worried about this,” said Celia Jaffe, the Fourth District PTA’s vice president for advocacy. “It’s got to be the rest of the voting public – besides parents who have kids in schools – who let the government know what our values are.”
So why do Celia Jaffe & the PTA think all of us should be worried? Maybe because Governor Arnold’s looking to cut $200 million from OC public schools? Maybe because these proposed cuts would mean a loss of about 2,000 teachers from our schools?
So are you worried now? What do you think about the proposed education cuts? Do you think they’re necessary to balance the budget? Or do you think the state is relying too much on cuts to such needed services as schools while ignoring other, less harmful ways of correcting the budget shortfall?
How do you think these education cuts would affect your community? How vulnerable do you think your neighborhood schools are? And if you don’t want these cuts to your schools’ budgets, then what do you think the Governor & the Legislature should do instead to deal with the budget crisis?
I want to hear what you have to say about the local impact we’d feel if these education cuts were to happen. Are you OK with it? Are you not? Go ahead and have your say.
Naturally when I think of education budget cuts I think of the already over impacted school systems throughout the state and county and how detrimental to our society the lack of education is. In this era of “no child left behind” this perpetuation of stupidity is becoming a commonplace norm. Unfortunately if Arnold had it his way, the only education school would provide would be physical education under direct supervision of the governator himself.
I wonder how many of the legislators who are making these cuts have children in the public school system?
Is it time to outsource education to those east Asian countries that provide us with all out manufactured products.