Spend the Evening With Asm. Jose Solorio Tomorrow Night!

This just in from the Democratic Party of OC! Our favorite local Assembly Member would like to spend an evening with us tomorrow! Check out what I just got today from DPOC Executive Director Melahat Rafiei:

Assemblyman Jose Solorio invites you to a Cocktail Reception in Support of the Kick-Off of his 2008 Re-Election Campaign

Thursday, March 27, 2007
5:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m.
Original Mike’s Restaurant – 100 South Main Street Santa Ana, CA 92701
$50 per person
Bronze Sponsor $250
Silver Sponsor $1,000
Gold Sponsor $1,500
Platinum Sponsor $3,600

To RSVP or for more information, please contact Denise via e-mail at Denise@JoseSolorio.com or by calling 714-401-5053.

I hope to see you there!

Melahat Rafiei, Executive Director
Democratic Party of Orange County