This just in from the Democratic Party of OC! Our favorite local Assembly Member would like to spend an evening with us tomorrow! Check out what I just got today from DPOC Executive Director Melahat Rafiei:
Assemblyman Jose Solorio invites you to a Cocktail Reception in Support of the Kick-Off of his 2008 Re-Election Campaign
Thursday, March 27, 2007
5:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m.
Original Mike’s Restaurant – 100 South Main Street Santa Ana, CA 92701
$50 per person
Bronze Sponsor $250
Silver Sponsor $1,000
Gold Sponsor $1,500
Platinum Sponsor $3,600To RSVP or for more information, please contact Denise via e-mail at Denise@JoseSolorio.com or by calling 714-401-5053.
I hope to see you there!
Melahat Rafiei, Executive Director
Democratic Party of Orange County