I’m not sure if anyone has noticed, but much to my delight, KTLK has a new evening line-up that I’m pretty happy about. Rachel Maddow starts off at 3pm to 6pm, Mike Malloy is on from 6pm to 9pm and then the ridiculous Phil Hendrie is on at 9pm to 1am (I can only handle him at short bursts and I’ve not heard him in years, so who knows).
Sadly, I only get to hear Rachel Maddow since it’s my afternoon listen at work and the short drive home, but I do like her more even handed approach and her news updates. I just started listening to her and I’ve been quite the fan since seeing her on Countdown and her visits to Tuckerland, although I try to avoid visiting that place as often as possible.
I’m a pretty easy listener to appeal to, although sadly I haven’t been able to stomach Randi Rhodes for a while now since she’s obviously in the Obama camp but she refuses to come out and say it. I think she’s too abrasive for me at times when she yells at people because they don’t agree with her. It gets old fast. I respect her a great deal though, I think I just have to be in the mood. Although Stephanie Miller is out about her support of Obama, I find that at least she’s honest about it, Randi has taken unnecessary digs at Edwards while he was in the race and reduced him to the white guy more than one time while I listened, I don’t even see how that helps anyone. Stephanie has also been quite forthcoming in defending Hillary on the evening shows and saying what I think a lot of Democrats should say, if she’s the nominee, we will most certainly support her. I mean, we don’t have to be overjoyed, but the thought of another four years of Republican rule is more frightening to me than another Clinton in office.
I have heard even less from Mike Malloy and he seems hell bent on being anti-establishment. I know I’ve heard him give high praise to Edwards, which you know, wins points with me. Anyone familiar with Malloy, good or bad? I literally have heard his show three times and tonight was the third.
Right now thought, progressive radio keeps me sane, between that and Countdown, I can handle reality and it keeps me up to date on National politics. Maddow had an amazing segment about Bush and his use of terrorism as a scare tactic, again, to push his agenda in Congress. I’m going to post one of her recent appearances on Countdown that I thought was impressive and consistent with her analysis.
I pretty much agree with everything you’ve said. KTLK keeps me sane, too, and Rachel really rocks!
You didn’t mention Thom Hartmann, who’s on from 9AM to 12 noon. I know everyone can listen during those hours, but he’s great, too. Very even-handed, fair, polite (even to the whacky right wing guests) and extremely intelligent and knowledgeable, esp. about American history. On Friday mornings, his schedule permitting, Senator Bernie Sanders joins Thom to answer listener’s questions.
But Ed Schultz is out of the KTLK lineup and that’s a crying shame. I am renewing my satellite radio subscription
Dan – Agreed, especially if it was to make room for Hendrie. I didn’t have much of a chance to listen to him though.
Linda – Thom Hartmann is amazing, but he’s not new to the line up. I’ve been impressed by his refusal to trash any of our candidates and he was very open about leaning Edwards, although he said he would never endorse, he gave money to him. And I do enjoy it when he makes the right wing tools sound like the intellectually dishonest people they are.
Hartmann is great. Maddow has long been my personal favorite. Her position at 3pm-5pm is great. She deserves a very wide audience.
I am with you Dan –
It is time to petition KTLK to bring Ed Shultz back. He always got good speakers and had his own perspective. I will miss Ed.
Demmother – If you have a ipod or a computer you can download his podcast from itunes for free. Since he wasn’t on at a time where I could listen, I can do this as well.
i like ed shultz but i saw him on bill o’reilly’s show a couple of weeks ago and he was a total wimp. very unlike him. yes, rachel maddow is great and a hen to boot.
Keep Ed off. He sucks. KTLK has made a series of fantastic decisions, starting with dropping that charlatan Ed Schultz, picking up Rachel live, and expanding her show an hour, then adding Mike Malloy. Between 6a and 9p I have no reason to turn off the radio. Rachel being the star of the entire lineup. She is wicked smart.
Stephanie Miller rocks