HT to Dena Bunis at the Register:
Rep. Dana Rohrabacher has authored a resolution, HRes610, that would condemn human rights violations in China by encouraging the USOC to boycott the 2008 Olympic Games in Beijing.
This is an off resolution from Congressman DinoFart, who chided the anti-torture crowd last year saying he hoped “its your families killed in the next terrorist attack.” And odd because while in the Republican House majority, the congressman ddi nothing to speak out against the poallets of money we get from the PRC to finance our massive federal debt and federal budget deficits.
Bunis reports that even if it gets to the House floor, it’s unlikely to keep the U.S. out of the ’08 Games.
If the Congressman wants to play OC’s favorite historical political game of “let’s bash the communists,” shouldn’t he have been more vocal against taking their money? And China is a looming economic power. As the representative of a Pacific Ocean bordering district, the Congressman should be finding ways to work with the Chinese on joint economic issues where political influence for human rights might actually reap some reward. But human rights isn’t Dana’s strong suit unless its on behalf of a fellow Republican. (psst: read the whole story in the link for context)
You’d think Dana would have learned from the 1980 boycott of the Moscow Olympics how counterproductive boycotts in international sports can be. You don’t boycott like Jimmy Carter did in 1980 or Dana Rohrbacher wants to do today. You go out and kick butt like Jesse Owens and the U.S.A. did in the 1936 Olympics in Nazi Berlin.
Should be a good mailer for Debbie Cook to Republicans in the general election:
Have pictures of Carter and Rohrbacher together with the caption
“What do Dana Rohrbacher and Jimmy Carter have in common?
Both wanted to keep American athletes from beating communist athletes by boycotting the Olympic games. “
I know you know that a shadow–dark and odorous (similar to a ‘perfume’ that seems composed of cheap tequila, right-wing drool and fritos)–mirrors Dana’s every move. That shadow has a name: Everyready B. Hypocrisy. Stay tuned…
cheap tequila, right-wing drool and fritos
I didn’t know that Rohrabacher loves Fritos.
My favorite Dana moment: When Bill Maher asked Dana if he would have criticized Bill Clinton for sitting in that Florida classroom for 7 minutes before taking action — and Dana was speechless for a moment. Of course he’d critize Bill Clinton, but he couldn’t answer the question honestly for being exposed as a hypocrite. However, the pause Dana took and the delay in answering was all the exposure anyone in doubt needed.
Dan–I remember that episode–Dana had that deer caught in the headlights look.
Maher’s show is a great spot for conservatives who are clever and quick on their feet to show their stuff. P.J. O’Rourke and Daryl Issa come off pretty good. Dana comes off as, well, a deer. He’d be better off sticking with Hannity and Colmes appearances.
I love P.J. O’Rouke’s work and have since the days of National Lampoon. Issa is a tad too condescending; and there’s that whole series of car theft arrests that never amounted to anything.
Not attesting to O’Rourke being able to stay sober after 5 or Issa being honest about his brother in the alarm thing. But I think they both handle themselves well with a conventional tough liberal audience and a different kind of tough Maher. O’Rourke makes my top 10 “People you would like to be stuck in a bar with” list.
Question: When did Debbie Cook register to vote as a Democrat?
It seems not too long ago, she was elected to the HB CIty Council as a decline to state.
When Bill Maher asked Dana if he would have criticized Bill Clinton for sitting in that Florida classroom for 7 minutes before taking action  and Dana was speechless for a moment. Of course he’d critize Bill Clinton, but he couldn’t answer the question honestly for being exposed as a hypocrite.
Would have loved to have seen that. If there was any event that proved unequivocally Bush was in over his head that moment displayed to the world. The spin coming out that he didn’t want to startle the children was so much BS.