endorses Obama

Even now that it’s down to two candidates, I had my doubts that either would get the 2/3rd majority required by for an endorsement. So this morning I was shocked to see that over 70% of MoveOn members voted to endorse Barack Obama for President. This is the first time that has endorsed in the Democratic Primary Election.

With only about 100 hours remaining until polls close here in California (and many other states) your time is needed. Head down to OBAMA OC Headquarters at 210 North Broadway in Santa Ana. Find out how to identify and turnout Obama supporters in your neighborhood and get to work.


  1. My feedback to MoveOn for canceling my account with them –
    “I do not support Obama for President. I am an Edwards Supporter and will vote for Edwards regardless of the corporatist’s efforts to silence him. Next time you take a poll, put a choice for “none” or “other”. Your “poll” silenced my voice just like the corporatists.”

  2. Dear ScooterPI,

    All three of these folks were moderates. Edwards had a populist rhetorical style, and he spoke against corporate domination, and I liked that, but let’s not get deluded into thinking any of these three folks were “anticorporatist” as you say. I appreciated Edwards showing up on picket lines and his effort to make issues of poverty more prominent in the campaign, but that’s not anti-corporate. When Kucinich (who I did not support) was boxed out of the debate, Edwards did not denounce the move or exit the debate. How come his failure to act then against the “corporatists” in the media did not end your support of his campaign? Your iritation should be with Edwards… he’s the one who promised to stick it out just days before throwing in the towel.

    Respectfully in disagreement buddy,
    “work union”

  3. many good points were made in this thread

    Obama is my guy, anyone but Hillary! I’ll admit that seeing all the democrats on tv and in the debates, I like them alot more, but Hillary is still the worst on the democratic side.

    Edwards is great and if he stayed in the race He would for sure have had my vote.

    About Kucinich, I’ve always liked him and his great stance on just about every issue! In a perfect world Kucinich would have Obama’s numbers or BETTER, trailed close by the others, with Hillary Clinton dead last and about to bow out of the race. It stinks that name recognition and contributions from corporations and PACs are enough to make one a front runner/ top 2-3. It signals how bad politics is.

  4. I’m deeply shocked that my group endorsed a candidate in the midst of such a divisive campaign, it was bad strategy. Better to wait and endorse the guaranteed winner of the general election.

  5. I don’t think it is so shocking. 70% voted for Obama in their poll. That’s reasonably democratic. What do you expect them to do? They said they would act if support for a candidate reached this level. It did. So they did. The only “shocking” there is the integrity to act. Imagine that? Integrity in politics.

  6. I voted for Barack Obama in the poll and was very happy that so many others are supporting him too.

    I think he is the right President to take our Country in a new direction. It makes me so happy to see all the people, young and old, turning up at his rallys. We need hope, inspiration and good judgement and we can do this all together.

    I think he is the one that can beat the Republican nominee in November.

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