How I Voted

I recently located an old friend on LinkedIn. When he responded to the request to join my network, this dyed-in-the-wool Republican wrote, “Who should I vote for? (Sorry about the Bush thing.)”

Thus I had confirmation that there actually are a few demented individuals who care what I think about politics. On the chance that some LOC readers are among them, I hereby present my voting picks. (I vote by mail and posted my ballot on Monday.)
Democratic Presidential nominee: Barack Obama. I went to the 2008 CDP convention committed to Gore and thinking Obama would make a great VP candidate, but at the convention I heard Edwards speak and never looked back. I’ve been walking precincts for more than 40 years and I can generally judge a race from what I see in the field: when I was on the ground in Las Vegas a few weekends ago I could see Edwards was a goner.

I’ve got nothing against Hillary Clinton and think she’d probably be a good President. But I also think Obama would be a good President and I believe he has a far better chance than Clinton of beating the eventual Republican nominee.

Prop 91: No. Even the ballot argument in favor of it tells you to vote against it.

Prop 92: Yes. I think some of the arguments against this measure are reasonably sensible and others are entirely made up. What I like most about this measure is something not often discussed: it establishes the California Community College system formally within the state constitution and recognizes the importance of local control of our community colleges. I don’t want our community colleges some day to be run out of Sacramento as is the case with the UCs and CSUs.

Prop 93 : Yes. I went back and forth on this one. On one hand I think it’s a vanity measure intended to keep certain office holders (who shall remain nameless) in office. I’m not a big fan of term limits, though unlike a lot of Democrats I’m not entirely opposed to them either. Politicians shouldn’t be allowed to spend 40 years in the same office, IMO, but I don’t think they should be forced to move on after a mere 6 or 8 years. What I’d really like to see is a lengthening of term limits to a more reasonable amount.

But why should Jose Solorio, for example, who might be very well suited to the work of the Assembly, have to move on to run for County Supervisor or State Senate after a few years? If Assemblyman Solorio likes working in the Assembly and the voters think he’s doing a good job, statute shouldn’t require him to play musical chairs after a certain amount of time. I don’t see the point of moving the pieces around the board just for the sake of movement.

Props 94 – 97: No. I don’t think these agreements are good for California and I believe they favor certain tribes over others. Furthermore, I’m unhappy with the way certain wealthy tribes have begun disenrolling tribal members in order to keep larger slices of the pie for fewer folks.

Local issues: I don’t live in Santa Ana, but if I did I’d vote no on Measure D. I don’t live in AUHSD but if I did I’d vote for Jordan Brandman, a radical moderate who’ll knows educational issues and who will try to do a good job for everyone in the District, regardless of party, skin color, or economic status.

There you have it. A local elected told me recently that he can frequently influence one of his fellow electeds to vote FOR something simply by making her think he’s going to vote AGAINST it. Those who use me in a similar fashion now have all the information they need.

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