Stupid Supervisor Tricks

Today, the Orange County Board of Supervisors took a leap of stupidity and resolved to sue the administrator of County pensions, OCERS, to overturn a negotiated pension agreement with the Association of Orange County Deputiy Sheriffs.

Not only are these morons wasting taxpayer funds in a frivolous effort suing the wrong entity, but they are ignoring all but one of the four legal opinions they have received telling them that there is no merit to Moorlach’s proposed challenge.

All but one of the speakers today who addressed the Board spoke against the resolution, to no avail.

The county would have a better chance at a profitable return on investment if they spent $1 million on lottery tickets. Stupid tricks for a stupid Board. so much for fiscal conservatives?


  1. The story of deputy pensions and the board goes even deeper. Today, a friend of mine was on the Board of Supervisors’ agenda in connection with an award the Board was going to bestow on 41 deputies who had solved a home invasion robbery and recovered my friend’s property within 24 hours. Because the Board realized it would be inconsistent to bestow an award of recognition on the Deputies, and at the same time try to avoid a contractual obligation to pay pensions to the deputies they pulled it from the agenda.
    Shame on the Supes for denying these deputies their award while the Supes play politics.

  2. I listened to some of the public comments. I like Reed Royalty’s the best. he summed it up best when he asked why they were suing OCERS for following the direction of the Supes?

    Gotta love the logic of smacking someone for doing their job.

  3. The OC BOS are fiscal conservatives except when they are not. Who can forget the millions they wasted in trying to force the development of an airport right next to Irvine. They would have been called into account for that were they not simply doing the bidding of the Newport Beach developers that are their true constituents. Who will they answer to when OC is built-out? Certainly not the middle class; that would be revolutionary.

  4. I can’t wait for the main point of this case to he heard in court…

    We, the Supervisors, were too stupid and made a bad deal!

    Well now that I typed it, it does sound quite believable. Don’t you think?

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