Supervisor Janet Nguyen has once again chosen to carry water for the Orange County Republicans by going along with the appointment of Jack Anderson as interim Sheriff. Anderson, who is a member of the County Republican Central Committee, was handpicked by indicted adulterer Mike Carona to succeed him after his resignation yesterday. Rather than questioning the selection of Anderson, Nguyen went along with her fellow party hacks Chris Norby and John Moorlach in welcoming Anderson to the job.
Clearly this is all being done to insure that the top law enforcement position in the county stays in the hands of the Republican party and Janet wants to make brownie points with the GOP. By having the DA’s office and the Sheriff in the pockets of the Republican power brokers they are able to continue with the scofflaw operations we have come to expect from the GOP here in Orange County. Obviously Janet wants to demonstrate a greater loyalty to the party than she does the taxpayers. What a hack!!!
It is clear that Santa Ana Police Chief Paul Walters is the most qualified person for the job, but he is a Democrat. In the eyes of Nguyen and company this must be enough to disqualify him from consideration. Look for Janet to throw more money around the district to try and buy off the voters as she has done since getting elected. Lets hope the people don’t fall for the bait.
We need to find a strong candidate and soon because we can’t afford to have Janet Nguyen representing us on the Board of Supervisors. She has proven herself to be no different than Trung Nguyen when it comes to her actions on the Board and both have clearly demonstrated an anti-Latino immigrant with their racist campaign fliers in the last election. We need an independent voice that will represent the people and not be a Republican Party hack like Janet Nguyen.
Whether it is her lack of action in regards to Chriss Street, her waste of taxpayers money in the opening of an office in Little Saigon to buy votes, her continual legal missteps surrounding campaign funds or the support of Mike Carona’s successor, Janet Nguyen is out of touch with the people of the First District. When you combine that with her Latino bashing campaign tactics it all adds up to the fact that Janet needs to go.
I hate to be Debbie Downer here, but I think that the window of opportunity for an OC Dem to step-up has past.
The Nguyens have been raising money and support for months already. Unless a super-powerful Dem returns from political retirement or saves a bus full of nuns, it’s going to be really tough to re-take this seat.
Prove me wrong.
Damn, my hyperlink didn’t work. This was the link I was trying to show:
Love the Debbie Downer reference. Too funny.
However you may be right that it is too late for a Dem to take the seat. That being said, we don’t need to see Janet Nguyen re-elected. In her short term on the board she has proven herself to be a party hack. Maybe she should be sent packing to send a message that the people don’t want party hacks in power. Sure she would likely be replaced by another GOP hack but at least we would let her know we did not like what she did while on the board.
It’s a shame that Janet is so willing to bow to the GOP even though they despise her.
Lets get paul Walters elected to this seat.
Because Paul Walters has done such a great job with Santa Ana?
Wow, what an awful picture of Janet
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By the time the Board of Supervisors met Tuesday, the ink wasn’t even dry on Carona’s resignation. Oh wait, the Supervisors hadn’t even received a signed resignation.
Sorry, but “resignation-by-blog” isn’t a permanent step for any elected official.
Does anyone have confirmation that Carona really resigned?
Additionally, does anyone have any respect for open meeting laws? Shouldn’t action be agendized so the public has time to have input? Criticizing one out of five Supervisors for not taking action on an unagendized item of business seems petty to me.
The previous comment looks even more petty.
Too Ugly, go to Orange Juice to make inappropriate comments like that.