Happy New Year! 2007 is gone, and 2008 is here! We shared our thoughts about last year yesterday, so now it’s time to talk about this year.
What do you think will happen in 2008? Which of the biggest local stories of 2007 carry over to this year? Which national events will impact Orange County the most?
Will Santa Ana still roil in scandal over the “Renaissance Plan” to redo downtown? Will Trestles be saved permanently from the 241 Toll Road? Will Democrats find a strong challenger to unseat Supervisor Janet Nguyen? Will the Democratic Presidential Candidate come close to carrying OC in November? Will OC’s real estate sector recover from the mortgage crisis? Just what exactly will 2008 bring?
I want to hear what you have to say on this first day of the first month of 2008. What do you think will happen this year? Will our economy bounce back? Will our politics be rocked with more scandals? Will our communities change in the way we’d like to see them change? What can we expect in 2008?
Go ahead. Make my day. Have your say… And be among the first to comment in the new year! 😉
The new year will bring pestilence, gnashing of teeth, the four horsemen of the appocolypse, dogs sleeping with cats and general mayhem if you guys get more Democrats elected this year.
A pox on your house for the things you have done to the Republican Party the past four years. A Pox I say!
Sorry dude or dudess, you have the pox if you are a Reep. We, as Democrats, have done nothing to the Republicans. What has happened to that group of poorly directed and illintentioned members of the GOP has occured at the action of their own hands. You can’t fix stupid!!
Oh, by the way we will be making sure to educate the electorate on the importance of electing more Democrats at all levels. AND, from what I can tell the citizens are looking for new and improved leadership. Democrats will make certain of that.
JIm Moreno
Oh, it’s hard to say. I want to be full of optimism but I just don’t trust Bush and I worry that he’s got some nasty spoilers for the election.
As for local issues, as a new home owner, I’m hoping the dip in the real estate market is merely a dip, we’ve been through them before haven’t we? I bought my home to live in for many years go come, the market goes up and down, I’m more worried for the people who got in over their heads and could not only lose their homes, but their credit scores. This can hurt them for the long term and it’s sad that so many people were in it for the quick buck at the expense of first time home buyers who are not as savy. I’ve heard the pitch, don’t worry, you can’t go wrong, here, take this five year fixed rate arm.
This will hurt every portion of Orange County if we can’t keep more people in their homes, it’s so important.
I know, I started out on a positive, but I’m sincerely worried about families who put their dream in their home and they could lose it all because people got way too greedy.
I hope you did buy your home to stay in for many years. That being sdaid, I do not share your sympathy for those who got in over thier heads. Most of those ppoel git inb it for the quich buck. Or they are those who re-financed their homes and bought toys and vacations by using their home as a piggy bank. i hope those people are the first ones to go out on the sidewalk. And I am totally against any sort of bailaout by the governemnet. All that is going to do is slow the settling of the market and allow those who bought their homes to use as piggy banks to skate on this and thus leaving even more families who chose to live within their means out in the cold.
I hope you did buy your home to stay in for many years. That being sdaid, I do not share your sympathy for those who got in over thier heads. Most of those ppoel git inb it for the quich buck. Or they are those who re-financed their homes and bought toys and vacations by using their home as a piggy bank. i hope those people are the first ones to go out on the sidewalk. And I am totally against any sort of bailaout by the governemnet. All that is going to do is slow the settling of the market and allow those who bought their homes to use as piggy banks to skate on this and thus leaving even more families who chose to live within their means out in the cold.
As long as the banks that lent money and changed the rules so they could lend money do not get bail outs either. What is so wrong with helping people who made a mistake? We do it all for corporations who make poor choices and ruin many lives, but help people stay in their homes is wrong?
No one is saying that their debt would be erased, but give them a break and let them stay in their houses so they continue to pay their taxes, contribute to our economy and provide a roof over their kids’ heads.
I’m sorry, I’m just not that cynical. We’ve had corporate welfare for too many years at the cost of American families, it’s time that we help the right group of people such as home owners rather than corporations.
We agree on the corporate bailout and welfare situation. But for those who used their homes as piggy banks for get rich quick schemes and to buy toys and exotic vacations etc. They are the ones who need to sleep in the bed they made. I realize that it sucks. but when you condone actions such as this you only perpetuate the situation.
Equally if not more responsible are the mortgage houses that facilitated this problem. They should forfeit all the profits they have made in an unscrupulous manner to help offset the problem. but they only share the blame. They are totally and soley responsible.
Housing will not become affordable for the average American until this sittation is stablilized. The only way to stabilize it is to let it fall to its own level.