OC Register: A Lack of Holiday Spirit.

You would think that even a conservative, libertarian publication would show some amount of holiday spirit towards its employees.  Well, my sources tell me that this is not the case this year at the Register.

No holiday party, no holiday bonus, not even a holiday greeting card.

On the one hand I can understand that a corporation with a massive amount of debt might not want to spend a great amount of money on a holiday party or bonuses.

But on the otherhand, I have to wonder how much impact a holiday party or bonus would actually have on the bottom line of a multi-million dollar corporation.

Well, obviously the team at TheLiberalOC.com cannot throw a party for our friends (and rivals) over at the Register. We can however wish them a happy holiday season.

So to the staff at the Orange County Register; from editorial to news, from advertising to distribution, and from graphics to printing…



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