No Mo’ Toll Road to Trestles? What Do YOU Think?

H/T to our friends down south at San Diego Politico for catching this! The SD Union-Tribune recently reported that Susan Davis’ amendment requiring TCA to comply with California law in extending the 241 Toll Road to Trestles may just end up succeeding. Remember when Susan Davis & Loretta Sanchez attached that amendment to the Defense Authorization Bill? Well, it’s still here!

In fact Davis’ “rider” to the Defense bill has passed all procedural hurdles, and it looks like it will be part of the final package that will come up for a full House vote next week. And since the Defense bill is expected to pass, TCA may be facing a tough future ahead if they still intend to extend the 241 through San Onofre State Beach. They would have to obtain Coastal Commission approval to do it, and the prospects of that happening aren’t that good.

So what should TCA do now? Do you think they should still try to build their toll road to Trestles? Or is it time for them to face the facts, recognize what Congress is about to do, comply with state law, and draw up another extension plan?

I want to hear what you have to say about the… err… “endangered” plan to build a toll road to Trestles. What happens once Susan Davis’ amendment becomes law? And is it time for TCA to go back to the drawing board and come up with a plan to extend the 241 that steers clear of protected open space?

Go ahead. Make my day. Fire away! 🙂


  1. If you expect the Coastal Commission to uphold the law, then you are sadly mistaken.

    In fact, when they voted in San Diego last month on saving one of the last portions of the Bolsa Chica wetlands, they went against the Coastal Act and actually voted against staff recommendations and voted to ELIMINATE a wetland.

    The winning votes came from ALL FOUR of Fabian Nunez’s appointments and TWO of Don Perata’s appointments.

    One reason I won’t be supporting Fabian Nunez for any other office and will be voting AGAINST increasing term limits in February.

  2. dem in OC-

    Good point. Thanks for reminding me. I guess we can’t always expect the Coastal Commission to do the obvious (and the right thing). I’m still awfully irked after that last vote on Bolsa Chica, and it makes me even angrier (than I already was) at Nuñez & Perata that their appointees would make such a boneheaded move to allow the Parkside project to be built on wetlands.

    But still, I want to think that the Commissioners wouldn’t be SO STUPID & BONEHEADED that they’d allow TCA to build a toll road THROUGH A STATE PARK. Do you think they’re that clueless? If they are, then I will personally call for these Commissioners’ removal (as well as for new leaders in the Legislature).

  3. “If they are, then I will personally call for these Commissioners’ removal (as well as for new leaders in the Legislature). ”

    And I’m sure they’re shaking in their boots about that one Andrew! Get off your horse now pls.

  4. I gotta tell ya, I’m just flat out a Republican, end of story. However, I will vote 100% against anyone or anything that supports that 241 extension thru the park and into trestles. The South Orange County coastline was a once beautiful place but so-called progess has destroyed it forever. We need to leave this small chunk straddling the counties as is. Thank heavens for the Marines or we would really be in trouble from a preservation view. Someday Pendleton will also be closed just so homes can be built.

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