HT to Total Buzz on this, but the number of registered Democrats in OC is growing and so are the number of decline-to-staters; Republican registration is down. We’re still way back in second place, but give it time; we may have a Blue County yet.
From Total Buzz: In 1999, GOP registration in the county slipped below 50 percent for the first time since 1984, and has continued creeping downward.
* In 2004, there were 724,260 (48.4%) Republicans in OC. There are now 714,895 (47%).
* In 2004, there were 452,694 (30.3%) Democrats in OC. Now, 459,408 (30.2%).
* Decline-to-state voters have increased from 17.3 percent to 18.7 percent during that period.
It looks like BOTH parties are losing voters to the DTS column. Yes! That bodes well for the future of our county.