“We want to clean this city up […] Collectively, it’s like banging your head against a wall.”ÂÂ
That’s Orange City Council Member Jon Dumitru, quoted by The Register at the city council meeting last night. The city council was discussing a set of ordinances, which will be up for more discussion next month, that would ban solicitation from sidewalks next to streets without parking lanes, from private property without the owner’s written permission, and while a solicitor is stopped or standing in a traffic lane, median or driveway apron on a public right of way. Basically, this is seen as a way to prevent immigrant day laborers from soliciting work in Orange.
Oh yes, and another ordinance being considered would require private-property owners who want to run job centers for laborers to obtain a conditional-use permit through the Planning Commission. The fine for violators will be up to $250 for the first offense, $500 for the second, and $1,000 and jail time for the third. Wow, it looks like Orange may be getting awfully serious on cracking down on the day laborers.
Oh, and there were a number of speakers to talk about this issue last night. Minuteman Project co-founder Jim Gilchrist spoke in support of tougher rules. Marissa Nuncio, an attorney for the National Day Laborer Organizing Network, countered Gilchrist by saying that enforcement is ineffective as she encouraged more community dialogue. So who’s right here? What do YOU think about Orange’s crackdown on immigrant day laborers?
Do the laborers have a right to solicit work that would be violated by these ordinances? Do city residents have a right to a clean town that’s being violated by these “unruly” workers? Is there any way to actually enforce these ordinances? What’s the practical solution to this problem?
I want to hear what you have to say about Orange’s proposed crackdown on these workers. Go ahead. Have your say.
Exactly who are these people bothering by trying to find a job?
I had about 5 failed attempts to articulate in these comments just how unnecessary, silly and mean spirited these proposed ordinances are. Since I can’t seem to say something eloquent I’ll just say this:
I think Orange’s proposed crackdown on these workers stinks!