Are you ready to impeach in the belly of the beast? If so, join OC Impeach in front of The OC Register Building in Downtown Santa Ana at 2:00 PM this afternoon! If you want to see the Bush-Cheney crime family impeached for their high crimes and misdemeanors, join your fellow progressive OC denizens in front of The Register to demand that the media pay attention to the voice of the people!
Here’s what I got in a recent email:
Impeach in the Belly of the Beast As the US Constitution lies in shreds and the drum beat for war against Iran becomes louder, the media is primarily in lock step with the Bush administration. If the media will not cover the issues, the People will bring their demands to the media. Demands will be hand delivered to the front office of the O.C. Register. Protest signs should reflect the numerous reasons for impeachment to highlight the impeachable act of your choice and your own demands to the media. Please join us:
O.C. Register
625 N. Grand Ave.
Santa Ana, CA 92701
(Santa Ana Blvd./Civic Center – off the 5 Frwy.)Please spread the word to family, friends and co-workers – this is a non-violent action (children welcome!) and extra points will be given for clever signs.
So are you ready to get up, get out, and make your voice heard? Do you want to send the corporate media a message that they can’t ignore our cry for impeachment any longer? Do you want to see Bush & Cheney held accountable for violating our national security and our Constitution? OK then, join me in Santa Ana today at 2:00. We’ll have a lot of fun. 🙂