Find your style

The Costa Mesa High School PSTA and The Orange County Chapter of Women Helping Women will be hosting “Find Your Style Dress Exchange” at Costa Mesa High School this Friday and Saturday.From their press release:

Young Fashionistas and Their Budget-Conscious Parents Invited to Swap and Shop! 

WHAT: To all those young fashionistas out there who have nothing to wear to the homecoming dance – and to their budget-conscious parents who can’t see past the closets full of last year’s dresses: This event is for you

This Saturday, Costa Mesa High’s Parent Student Teacher Association (PSTA) and the Orange County Chapter of Women Helping Women will host the “Find Your Style Dress Exchange” at the Costa Mesa High School Cafeteria.

The event, which is open to the public, offers high school girls the chance to swap one of their existing gowns for another—or to purchase one for the unheard-of price of $10. It also gives fashion-privileged women in the area an opportunity to share their little-used formal frocks with an appreciative young crowd while helping to raise money for Costa Mesa High School’s PSTA.

Dress Drop-Offs: Friday, October 5, 3:00PM–7:00PM and Saturday, October 6, 9:00 – 11:00AM

Volunteers will be accepting dresses at these two times. (Note, only clean and gently-worn dresses appropriate for teens will be accepted.)  A form will be available for anyone wanting to take advantage of the tax benefit of making a donation

Swap Shoppers Only: Saturday, October 6, 10:00AM – Noon
Open only to shoppers exchanging dresses at this time

Open to the Public: Saturday, October 6, Noon – 3:00PM
Doors open to the public/dresses available for $10 each.

WHERE:Costa Mesa High School Cafeteria
2650 Fairview Road., Costa Mesa, CA 92626

ADDITIONAL INFO: Proceeds will go to the Costa Mesa High School PTSA’s printer cartridge refill program for the teachers.  Any remaining gowns will be donated to Women Helping Women, a nonprofit organization that provides business attire, image consulting and employment search support to aid low-income women in attaining and sustaining employment.