Party with a Purpose

You’re Invited to a Halloween Costume Party to benefit AIDS Services Orange County.Oct. 27th 2007

6:00 PM to 10:00 PM

at Newport Beach Winery

The Friends of Dorothy Guild of ASF cordially invite you to join in the fun for a great cause. We’ll be having the party in the vineyard and wine cave of the Newport Wineries on Mesa Dr. in Newport Beach. Go to and click on Halloween Invitation and sign up online for tickets and to see the details of the event and pictures of the wine cave and vineyards. There will be no printed invitations, only online sign up. Great Food, Music, Weekend Get Away Prizes, Scary Auction, and more! You have to check out the web site. www.hotrange.comCome as your favorite movie character and if you’re looking for costume ideas, check out these links as well as Genevieves Wigs 369 E17th St #2 Costa Mesa CA In keeping with the Wizard of Oz theme of our guild, many thanks to the following folks who generously are sponsoring our event.Munchkin Level Sponsors:

Aqua VI , JR Universal Construction

Wizard Level Sponsors:

Raymond Family Trust, Best Best & Krieger

Emerald City Level Sponsors:

DPR Contractors, Tkaczyk Family, Mark Eskander Attorney at Law,

Dorothy’s Red Slippers Level Sponsors:

Union Bank

Snyder Langston

Hoag Hospital

Knoll/ System Source

Bricon Commercial Contractors

Law offices of Stoody, Mills, Lansford, Walker & Doyle Genevieves Wigs

Can’t make it but would like to make a donation to our cause? Just go to our halloween page on and there’s a link to buy tickets or make a donation. Many Thanks and hope to see ya there!Guild Chairman: Barbara Venezia

Friends of Dorothy Guild Members Committee: Jeremy Belesario, Loren Blackwood, Steve Bond, Marilyn Brewer, Marie Case, Bunny Clark, Kathleen Craig, Elena Dawson, Tim Dunn, Mark Eskander, Patti Gordon, Dave House, Lana Johnson, Dean Jones , Pat Kennedy , Rachael McCabe, Annemarie Miller-Jones, Susan Piazza, Tim Stoaks , Judy Tenuta , Stan Tkaczyk, Renee West, Harriett Wieder