5 Reasons OC Dems Should Be Proud Of Their Party

The newest fad in blogging is video blogging, so I thought I’d give it a try with this post.  Watch the video of the 5 reasons OC Dems should be proud of their party.

[ev type=”youtube” data=”flJ6cBKFXYg”][/ev]

Any thoughts on this format?


  1. I am proud to be an Orange County Democrat because I believe in raising people, not dropping bombs. I believe in the rule of law, not the rule of might. I am proud to be an Orange County Democrat because I know that each time I go out on the front lines, there are 500,000 people behind me.

    In short, I am proud to be an Orange County Democrat because it is this community that welcomed me 5 years ago with open arms and became my defacto family. They are the ones I care about and care about me. They are my friends, co-workers, and community members.

    Together, we are the margin of victory.


  2. Mike,

    I like it. Well made for a first effort. I will stop short of saying Orange County is becoming a purple county, because it won’t happen on its own. It will take a lot of effort from people like us to make that happen. The registration numbers for our party in the OC haven’t changed that much since 2000, not a lot of people seem to get that around here.


  3. great post Mike. Great shot of Loretta on the firing range. I think Red COunty quit using that photo because she looked so buff & tough.

  4. Mike,

    You are a credit to your party. But I live in a city, Santa Ana, where there is only one Republican on our City Council. The rest are Democrats – and you would never know it.

    I wish your party would help us do something about Mayor Miguel Pulido and his lackeys. They are a true embarrassment to the DPOC.

    But since Pulido’s lawyer is the DPOC chairman, Frank Barbara, I guess I better not hold my breath.

  5. Probably a typo North. And Art makes a good point. The party should run the best candidates they can find. Santa Ana needs more people like Michelle Martinez

  6. Dan,

    It was a typo. Shame on northcountystorm for ignoring the point and focusing on errata. Barbaro has covered for Pulido for far too long. Both of them need to go.

    Maybe I ought to join up with you guys and go for a seat on your Central Committee? You can bet I would give Pulido and his enablers Hell!

    On the other hand, I like being an independent…

  7. Chris —
    sometimes, in the heat of passionate typing, I will use the completely wrong word…its a typo, because I know what I meant to write instead of what I wrote.

    I knew who Art was talking about; and his point is still valid.

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