“I’m looking for something that is fair and right and just,” said Councilwoman Lorri Galloway.ÂÂ
Wow! Check out what I just found in The Register this morning! Apparently, there’s a new twist to the ongoing battle over residential housing in the Anaheim Resort District. Yesterday, the Anaheim City Council voted 3-2 to approve placing an initiative on next June’s ballot that, if passed, would require voter approval if Disney were to add a third theme park to its Disneyland Resort complex.
Already, Disney is calling “foul” on this. However, Suncal’s allies say it’s only fair that city residents have a say on whether a third Disney theme park is built. After all, Disney wants to require voter approval for any residential development in the Resort District. So what do YOU think about this latest brawl in the ongoing struggle over housing in the Anaheim Resort District?
Affordable housing advocates want homes for the working poor in Anaheim. Some neighborhood advocates want to see the Resort District prosper as a world-class tourist destination. Suncal wants to build condos in the middle of Orange County’s new urban core. Disney wants to build a new theme park and new timeshare units to complete its resort complex. So who should get what it wants here? And whose want is also what the people of Anaheim want? I want to hear what YOU have to say about this new shot fired in thr battle over Anaheim’s House of the Mouse.
So who’s right here? Who’s wrong here? And who’s offering what the city really needs? Affordable housing or timeshare lodging? Condos or theme park? Suncal or Disney? What’s best for Anaheim. Go ahead. Make my day. Fire away.
I’m not for ballot-box zoning but I think all this initiative would do is require Disney to abide by the same rules they are trying to impose on other businesses through their own initiative (SOAR?).
SOAR shouldn’t have been on the ballot in the first place, but since it is it’s only fair that the creator of this beast (Disney) follow the same rules it wants others to abide by.
OMG, we agree on something! Ha! 😉
OK, OK, let me get serious here. Yes, SOAR is ridiculous. It would allow for Disney to create a “city within the city” that would leave the people of Anaheim powerless over the Resort District. It’s just ridiculous. Oh yes, and what’s so bad about Suncal’s project? It’s not “slums”, but it does include some badly-needed affordable housing units that Anaheim really needs right now. So I guess if Disney wants to play dirty with SOAR to stop the City of Anaheim from doing what’s best for the city, then I guess they just invited Suncal to join in the dirty games.
SOAR disagree’s with one decison. Voters signed petitions for one issue, SunCal!
Galloway’s initiative is akin to greenlight, why stop at the resort district? If the council majority doesn’t think they are able to make fair and sound decisions on zoning, let the voters do every one! Of course they wouldn’t do this, because its stupid!
If SunCal wanted this initiative, why didn’t they play by the same rules as Disney? Start an initiative drive, gain support from 30 thousand residents. This is the process available in all California juristictions, why is it not good enough in Anaheim? Maybe its because SunCal has bought the majority of the council and has no citizen support? Maybe Anaheim is tired of the Resort Area’s success? Maybe the council wants Disney to do the once unthinkable, look to Garden Grove for the 3rd park. Cheaper land, close to current resorts, could be supported by shuttle or tram service. And most importantly a government that understands just how important Sales Tax revenue is the the overall health and vitality of a City. Without Disney Anaheim would be a little Santa Ana.
If SunCal wanted this initiative, why didn’t they play by the same rules as Disney?
Disney could have petitioned the council to place their initiative on the ballot. But they didn’t — which, by the way, allows them to bypass the CEQA analysis the Anaheim Voter Empowerment Initiative will now undergo.
Councils put initiatives on the ballot all the time — with or without initiative from the voters. The Anaheim Council did it last year with two charter amendments regarding gambling and eminent domain.
Start an initiative drive, gain support from 30 thousand residents.
It’s a big stretch to say 30,000 residents “support” the initiative, considering the variety of pitches — such as “hey, this is just to put this on the ballot, you don’t have to vote for it” — given by Disney’s circulators.
Maybe its because SunCal has bought the majority of the council and has no citizen support?
That’s a serious accusation from someone hiding behind a pseudonym, and the direct implication being that Harry Sidhu and Curt Pringle are “bought” by Disney. Are you saying that as well?
Or has it entered your mind that the council members on either side of this issue are voting the way they believe to be right?
Maybe the council wants Disney to do the once unthinkable, look to Garden Grove for the 3rd park.
Oh please. Is that the new Disney talking point? That’s the same threat they made back in the early 1990s when they were pushing WestCOT and playing Anaheim off of Long Beach.
Face it — Disney opened the door with the SOAR initiative. Disney and its supporters can’t complain about what walks through.
Galloway’s initiative is akin to greenlight, why stop at the resort district?
Disney/SOAR injected ballot-box zoning into this issue with their ballot-box zoning initiative. They’ve opened the door, and now they and their supporters complain about what walks through? Hollow protests.
If the council majority doesn’t think they are able to make fair and sound decisions on zoning, let the voters do every one! Of course they wouldn’t do this, because its stupid!If SunCal wanted this initiative, why didn’t they play by the same rules as Disney?
Disney could have petitioned the city council to place their initiative on the ballot. But they didn’t. And by going the signature route, Disney doesn’t have to subject its initiative to a CEQA study.
Cities place initiatives on the ballot all the time outside the signature gathering route. The previous Anaheim City Council last year voted to place two initiatives on November ballot — charter amendments to prohibit casinos and private-to-private eminent domain actions.
Maybe its because SunCal has bought the majority of the council and has no citizen support?
That’s quite an accusation from an anonymous commenter. By your logic, Mayor Pringle and Councilman Sidhu must have been bought by Disney. Of course, there’s always the reality-based view that the five council members are voting for the policy course they think is best for the city.
Maybe the council wants Disney to do the once unthinkable, look to Garden Grove for the 3rd park.
Oh please. Is that the latest Disney talking point? We’re going to take our marbles and go home? Disney sings that tune whenever they aren’t getting their way with the city. Unfortunately, there are still too many people who fall for it.
Galloway’s initiative is akin to greenlight, why stop at the resort district?
Disney/SOAR injected ballot-box zoning into this issue with their ballot-box zoning initiative. They’ve opened the door, and now they and their supporters complain about what walks through? Hollow protests.
If the council majority doesn’t think they are able to make fair and sound decisions on zoning, let the voters do every one! Of course they wouldn’t do this, because its stupid!
If the council majority doesn’t think they are able to make fair and sound decisions on zoning, let the voters do every one! Of course they wouldn’t do this, because its stupid!
That’s what Disney/SOAR propose with their initiative, and yet we’ve heard no criticism from you of them. Again, how can they complain about a ballot-box zoning proposal when they are trumpeting their own ballot-box zoning initiative as representing the will of the people?
This is not your blog, it does not have to play by your rules. If you can’t take the criticisms of your bosses here, go back to your red country sandbox where you are safe.
SunCal will be finished at the ballot box. Anaheim will be hurt for a long time because of this project. The triangle is where the affordable homes should have been placed.
This is not your blog, it does not have to play by your rules.
Did I say it was and that it did?
I answered just…askings claims, and that causes you to come unglued.
You, on the other hand, can’t muster anything beyond a clumsy ad hominem attack.
Come on, now! You should know by now that The Liberal OC is EVERYONE’S BLOG. So if Matt/Jubal likes to visit for fair site and add in his $0.02 here, then why not let him do so? Personally, I think one of the best qualities of our blog is the diversity of points of view offered here.
Whoa! This is crazy! Now, I’m agreeing with you! Someone slap me silly! 😉
OK, OK, let me get serious again. Yes, if Disney doesn’t like “ballot box zoning”, then they should stop engaging in it themselves. Oh, and at least with Greenlight, Newport voters get to decide future development projects… With Disney’s SOAR, Anaheim will NOT be able to have a say on what happens in its own city. Oh yes, and I definitely agree with Anon that there should have been affordable housing planned in the Triangle… But there should ALSO be affordable housing available for the resort workers somewhere in Anaheim. And whether that’s in the Triangle or in the Suncal development, we need affordable housing ASAP! And since Disney broke its 1994 promise to provide for that, something needs to be done. So why doesn’t Disney want Anaheim to decide what’s best for its own city?
Disney needs to fix California Adventure and get attendance up in that park before it even thinks about building a third park. Besides, the proposed condos are so far from the current “resort district” that it might be a bit of a hassle for tourists to get there.
Anaheim needs mixed-income apartment/condo developments. The city has already done a lot more than most Orange County cities in 2005 by constructing five or six low-income developments, but I’d hate to see a continuance of the same kind of ghettoizing we already have going on in parts of Anaheim.
I am completely bored by the conflict between Disney and SunCal. But hey, it got people to protest with signs in front of city hall a couple weeks ago. That almost *never* happens.
i think disney should make a 3rth park.
bad idea making housing unit in the resort area
1.your gonna deal with traffic
2. it going to be Noisy at night witht he firework and shows.
beside i would NEVER ever live near resorts since of those 2 reasons.
disneylandlover1414, I live near the resort. The traffic and noise are not a really big issue. People actually want to live near the resort (or in it). That’s why Suncal wants to build those units.
Good point! Disney does need to fix its second theme park before it even thinks about opening a third one in the resort district. Anaheim needs to continue fixing the affordable housing crunch before the city can declare “mission accomplished”. And yes, it would be nice for Anaheim to NOT become segregated within itself with a bunch of ghettos.
So you live near the Disney Complex? And there isn’t too much disturbing noise over there? Hmmm, interesting. Oh yes, and it would be nice for there to be housing for workers near the resort district. 🙂
I work in Orange historic district. Why can’t we have more affordable homes in Old Town? Thats where I work, why can’t I live there affordably? If I move to Newport Beach will you support affordable homes for me on the Beach? If not, why then should the businesses of Anaheim who years ago partnered with the City Council and created the Resort District be forced to accept the variance in zoning to allow SunCal to build non-tourist housing?
Affordable housing is needed in all our cities. But we shold not be sacrificing the business and revenue streams that keep our cities functioning. A planned mix is appropriate. A Resort Distict, a housing district (Platinum Triange/A Town). A lot of low wage workers are and will be employed by stadium/team/restaurants… We need homes here too!
As for Jubal, he’s as welcome as anyone to post anywhere about anything. But here and at OJ he is just a blogger and should not be setting rules on our comments. Its a common practice over at reddish country to attack bloggers who think his bosses at SunCal are carpetbaggers. They’ve thrown in fewer affordable housing units than they will be removing with their project. Thats a net loss for low wage workers, but somehow they position themselves as the affordable housing white knights. If SunCal want to make a real difference, make all 1500 units affordable then they might get some support.
I am a Anaheim homeowner and taxpayer. I have a real stake in this issue.
Disney brings tourists revenue to the city, as well as the county in general. Of course, I want it to remain and continue to grow as a world-class resort. Every time I pass the Disney area, I like looking at the beautiful landscaping that Disney has done for that area.
Anaheim already has tons of affordable apartments, and it is also a leading leader in low cost housing. There are so many more vacant areas to build more housing.
My feelings and many of my neighbors and fellow residents is that the Council does not care about the future about Anaheim in the manner that we do. After all, several of them live in upscale Anaheim Hills, and one is reputed to be a slum lord himself. Their take is that we vote that Anaheim provides low cost housing and its quality of life be damn, while we go home to our exclusive area
where the poor cannot afford to live.
I feel strongly that to run for City Council, a candidate must have his primary residence in the city. Or else, we’ll coninue to get these bozos who use the City Council for their own interests or their supporters, to the detriment of those who actually live there, and pay taxers that also provide services for the apartment dwellers.
I been trying to ask what is considered affordable? they want to build condos and sun cal says ” we will make “10% as affordable. but suncal has never did mention what is considered affordable. In San Diego county a few so called Affordable condos starts out at $450,000.00 and up. how is that affordable to the working persons. if they truly want affordable housing then put something in writing to the city council and to the citizens of Anaheim. but that is what is missing. what is to stop them after opening to change there minds and have the affordable housing set that there rates and not have no oversight. they city should have a committee that is 9 people that sits on this committee and sets standards working with the city of what is and what is not. considered affordable. the way I been hearing things and we should check out suncal track records in previous projects to see of they keep there words. or they just say this and that to get something passed and then change up once it is built. Developers has been known to do that a lot. has anyone ever checked out suncal track record?
Marie we as citzens of anaheim shoud try to get your statement on the ballot if anyone wants to run for city council they must live in Anahim, California beofre and during there term.