Poll: OC voters want action on Street

The Orange County Employee’s Association (OCEA) has released a poll of 512 registered Orange County voters regarding the matter of, Supervisor Moorlach’s hand picked successor as County Treasurer/Tax Collector, Chriss Street.  Now would be a good time for the Board of Supervisors to wake up and take notice because OC voters are not happy.

A significant percentage of those surveyed, 72%, have an unfavorable opinion of Chriss Street’s conduct.  

They are also not happy with Street maintaining his investment, puchasing, and contracting responsibilities. 58% support removing Street’s authority in those areas.

But the most significant information for the Board of Supervisors is what happens to the favorability ratings for the Board if it doesn’t take action on Street.  Almost half of OC voters surveyed, 49% view the Board unfavorably because they have done nothing to curb Street’s powers.

ATTENTION OC Board of Supervisors

Pull you collective heads out of the sand and Take Action on Chriss Street.

The survey was conducted between September 13 and 18 and has a margin of error of 4.4%.  View the survey analysis here.

In a letter to Board Chair Chris Norby, OCEA General Manager Nick Berardino informs the Supervisors that “The public’s call for action is consistent across partisan and geographic lines. It is particularly pronounced among Republican and independent voters.”

Berardino goes on to say; “By neglecting to take action, the Board of Supervisors is out of step with the voters.”

OCEA represents approximately 14,000 County Employees.