HT to OC Weekly. Congrats to Art and the team at Orange Juice.
Best Local Blog
Orange Juice
OC Blog is the undisputed king of the county blogosphere, but no county blog beats Orange Juice for unpredictability and sheer entertainment. Reading Orange Juice is like hearing students argue about abortion in a Religion 100 class. The nine bloggers span the political and literacy spectrum and include Orange County blogosphere pioneer Art Pedroza, a former diehard Republican who dramatically renounced his affiliation earlier this year after the party’s anti-Mexican campaign and delights in antagonizing the hacks of his former party. But that’s not why we read Orange Juice: We refresh our Firefox every couple of hours to find the latest libelous anonymous comments, the liberal jeremiads of Claudio Gallegos, Larry Gilbert’s unintelligible bold-faced ramblingsâ€â€and the occasional scoop.
Ehh hem…
What about the props to TheLiberalOC Blogger Tim Steed… BEST POLITICIAN IN ORANGE COUNTY!
I love to self promote…
OC Weekly didn’t have to say that b/c WE ALL ALREADY KNOW THAT YOU’RE THE BEST POL IN OC! Silly Tim! 😉
But really, congrats to the entire OJ Team for all their fantastic work! And I’d especially like to congratulate Claudio for his amazing work there. We’ll all miss him! But still, I know that even without Claudio, OJ will carry on. 🙂
You are the man! Congrats amigo.
Dan and Andrew,
Thanks for the kudos! We will all miss Claudio, but we have put the word out for more bloggers. The Orange Juice will live on, but without Claudio we never would have made it to the big leagues…
It was tough to pick between OC Blog, The Liberal OC and Orange Juice, but Orange Juice won this year–keep up the stellar work, Libs, and the honor might go to ustedes next year!
so Gustavo, we were a finalist?!! Its an honor just to be nominated.