Young Dems hold Women’s Forum


The Orange County Young Democrats successfully hosted a Women’s Forum for locally elected Progressive Women this evening. The panel of four entertaining, inspiring, insightful women included Fullerton City Councilmember Pam Keller, Costa Mesa City Councilmember Katrina Foley, Yorba Linda City Councilmember Jan Horton, and Santa Ana City Councilmember Michele Martinez.

The OCYD website will have a recap of the event and more photos in the next couple of days.

[Photo above: Costa Mesa City Councilmember Katrina Foley (right) speaks with an OCYD audience member after the Women’s Forum]


  1. Congrats OCYD!

    That was an amazing event. We are truly blessed to have such strong and progressive women representing citizens in this county.

    Great job OCYD Board!!!!!

  2. I’ll concur with Timbo here. The event was fantastic, and it was great to hear from all those great Democratic women on our local city councils. OCYD did a GREAT job last night, and I look forward to attending more great YD events in the future. 🙂

  3. See, that is the difference between us and the OCYR’s. We celebrate the strength of our women, while OCYR parades them on calendars to raise money for more social hours…

  4. I’ll always cherish my stylish “Michele Martinez for Santa Ana City Council” T-shirt. Orange on blue. Great.

    Tim; look at the female candidates local Repubs are most bedazzled by: Mimi Walters? Pat Bates? Diane Harkey? These women are not role models. They’re barely even spokesmodels. But I believe they are what Republicans would call “good-looking” and thus perceived as highly electable. (And recallable, apparently!)

    Think it’s silly? Fine. YOU tell me how they got into office. Because I straight up have no idea.

  5. Aunt Millie has met all of these women, and each of them is a great, hard-working Council Member with deep community roots and a belief in cost-effective, efficient government.

  6. Thanks for the praise everyone, the whole executive board deserves the credit for this. People that I talked to said they really liked the panel and appreciated their honest, genuine responses to the questions that were asked. I never felt like I heard one “political” answer the whole night.

    Thanks again to Pam, Katrina, Michele, Jan, and Sharon (for her brief appearance).

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