Want to Help Democrats Win in OC? Become a Precinct Captain!

Hey, you! Would you like to help Democrats win in YOUR neighborhood? Would you like to talk to your neighbors about your favorite Presidential Candidate? Would you like to talk to them about your Democratic friend running for city council? Would you just like to see more Democrats voting in your neck of the woods? If so, then YOU need to learn how to become a Precinct Captain!

So what is a Precinct Captain? That’s just someone who is the “face of the Democratic Party” in one’s own community. It means getting all the progressive-minded neighbors out to vote for Democrats. It means growing the Democratic Party from the grassroots up in one’s own community. It means a great opportunity to get involved with the Democratic Party in your own local community.

So would you like to learn how to become a Precinct Captain? If so, then sign up for either of the two upcoming training sessions for the program. Steve Young’s campaign will be doing one on September 29 at 9:00 AM, and the Democratic Party of Orange County will be doing one on October 6 at 8:30 AM. Both will be at Steve Young’s campaign office:

101 Pacifica, Suite 100
Irvine, CA 92618
RSVP for 09/29 to Marion at (949) 640-4400
RSVP for 10/06 to Melahat at 714-835-5158 or melahat@ocdemocrats.org

So are YOU ready to get up, get active, and get going on growing the Democratic Party locally, HERE IN ORANGE COUNTY?! If so, go ahead and sign up for one of the training sessions. What do you have to lose? This may actually help us start winning! 🙂


  1. Just to clarify, you would be a precinct captain for Steve Young. That should really be a part of the headline, Andrew. Other candidates and the county party have precinct captain programs.

  2. Full disclosure-

    I think it’s clear enough in the story. The 09/29 training is sponsored by Steve Young’s campaign, and the 10/06 training is sponsored by the Democratic Party of Orange County. However, BOTH ARE OFFERING THE SAME INFO ON THE PRECINCT CAPTAIN PROGRAM, as both training sessions feature a presentation put together by the same local organizer. Oh yes, and BOTH TRAININGS ARE OPEN TO ALL ORANGE COUNTY DEMOCRATS. How much clearer could that be?

    And if you don’t want to go to Irvine for the Precinct Captain Training, that’s OK. There will be another DPOC sponsored training in North OC in November, and there will be more to come in the future. Now is that clear, or what?

    I hope that cleared everything up.

  3. Gary-

    Yes, it certainly is! Above all else, it gives all of us a chance to grow the Democratic Party at the local level. And right now, that’s what our party needs most.

    So save a seat for me, and I’ll see you at the training! 🙂

  4. Steve’s campaign is actually having two precinct captain training programs – in addition to Sept.29, there is another one a week earlier, Sept 22.

    The Sept. 22 date has been moved up from the original Sept. 15 date, to accomodate the Jewish holiday, Rosh Hoshona.

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