Check Out These Fun OC Democratic Weekend Events!

Are you looking for something to do this weekend? Are you looking to make a difference in your community, but don’t know where to go to do it? Do YOU want to make a change this weekend?

Well, I have a great list of Democratic Events in OC this weekend, and you can follow me after the flip to see all of them! 🙂

Here’s what’s happening in OC. All events are here courtesy of DFA-Orange County’s “OC Democratic Weekly” event calendar. Follow this link to subscribe to the weekly newsletter. Check out what’s happening in your area, and get some ideas on how to get active in your community!


11 am-1 pm, Laguna Beach: Vigil for Peace at Laguna Main Beach PCH at Ocean Avenue. Bring signs or use ours Contact: (949) 499-3190

noon-2pm, Brea: Brea Anti-war gathering at the intersection of Brea Blvd. and Imperial Highway Contact Marcus Gourley

25 Saturday 10:30am, Anaheim: You are invited to a Rally for Impeachment on the corner of Harbor and Katella in Anaheim, Calif. To be followed by free food and games at the Unitarian church at 511 Harbor Blvd. Contact: Ronald Vaught, 949-259-3218,

25 (2nd and 4th Saturday) 10am, Orange: OC Peace Coalition general meeting All interested people are invited, especially anyone who might represent one of our member organizations. at the Sisters of St. Joseph Justice Center, 480 S. Batavia. Directions: Turn into the parking lot from Batavia just north of La Veta Avenue, drive around to the left, to the south side of the complex. We meet in the last wing of the building on the south side. Look for directional signs. Contact:, (714)637-8313.

25 Saturday 11am-2pm, Irvine: The 27th Annual SUFFRAGE DAY LUNCHEON honoring PAULA GARB of the UCI Citizen Peacebuilding Center, SUSAN KOPICKI of Democracy for America, JEANETTE MERRILEES of Save Crystal Cove, and CHARLOTTE SAMUELS and CAITLYN WHITNEY of Students Against Sweatshops at Cal State Fullerton. Advance tickets are modestly priced at $40. Tickets are $50 at the door. For tickets, please email Lori at or call Shirley at 949.854.8024. Recorded information will be available in August on our message line, 949.262.1001. University Club, 801 E. Peltason Dr., Irvine. From 405, exit Culver Dr. south (toward the ocean). Turn right onto Campus Dr. Turn left onto E. Peltason (the other side of the street is Berkeley). After several signals, turn right at the 4-way stop sign at Los Trancos, then left into the parking lot of the University Club.

New 25 Saturday 7pm, Costa Mesa: Free Screening of “Ripple Effect” This newly released film surveys a wide range of evidence indicating that 9/11 was an inside job and not the sneak attack that we have been led to believe. Orange Coast UU Church, 1259 Victoria Street, Costa Mesa The Corporate Study Group,, 949-400-0259


12-1pm, Irvine/Huntington Beach: Enough! Every Sunday from noon to 1pm, more and more people nationwide are hitting the streets to publicly tell their neighbors, We’ve Had Enough! of this reckless, incompetent and criminal Administration.
Irvine: Please join hands with them Sundays from noon – 1pm at UCI. We’ll be on the Watson walking bridge above Campus Blvd – the one linking UC Irvine with University Center – between W. Peltason and Stanford. Mike Myers 949.677.0016 (cell)
Huntington Beach: At Main St. and PCH S/W corner For more info. Contact, Albert Dorrine

1pm, Santa Ana: Food Not Bombs Santa Ana ( at the Catholic Worker, 316 Cypress Ave Contact: (714) 970-8276

26 Sunday 1-3pm, Irvine: Newport Beach Bay Democrats (welcoming all Democrats) will meet at the Duck Club in Irvine located on Riverian Way. From the I-405 get off on Jamboree Blvd and go one block South toward Newport Beach. Turn right onto Michaelson. Go about 4 stop lights and turn right onto Riverian Way. Go about 1.5 miles until you almost reach a barrier in the road. Turn right and go about 25 feet down an incline and turn right into the parking lot. The Duck Club, next to the Audubon Society building is the building the furthest away from you when you turned into the Parking lot. Topic: Universal Health Care and State and Federal Legislation- Why private health plans can no longer work as a means of expanding health care coverage to everyone. Main Speaker: Don McCanne, M.D., Senior Health Policy Fellow, Physicians for a National Health Program with a website at At least 2 other speakers to talk on Mass. Universal Health Care, ways to finance health care under the present system of health care in the U.S..

New 26 Sunday 1-4pm, Santa Ana: National Council Negro Woman Orange County Membership Luncheon supporting Hannah’s Childrens Homes Country Garden Caterers 719 North Main St. Santa Ana 92701 contact Andree Weger 714-835-7972 or Eloise Boone 714-662-5705

New 26 Sunday 5:30-8:30pm, La Habra Heights: DNOC (Democrats of North Orange County) will host a Wine and Cheese Tasting Party as a club fundraiser. Event will be at the home of Jeanne Moffit, 1661 Agave Ave., La Habra Heights 90631. Come and join us in a lovely setting by the pool and meet other Democrats from the North Orange county area, including some local elected officials and OC Democratic Party staffers. Donation: $25.00 per person. Please call Jeanne Moffit (562) 694-4208 or Sharon Brown (562) 694-2457 to RSVP and get directions.

7-8 pm, Huntington Beach: “Visualize world peace, surf city style” at Main St. & Pacific Coast Highway, Bring a covered candle just help hold up the banner (no signs please; the banner says it all!). Contact:

So are YOU ready to make a difference in your community? If so, think about going to some of these events. This might be your chance to be the change you want to see happen. Believe me, you won’t regret it. 🙂