Psst… I think Matt Cunningham’s off his meds.
Black helicopters are part of a conspiracy theory, especially prevalent among the United States militia movement, that claims that special unmarked black helicopters are used by secret agents of the New World Order, United Nations troops, and/or the Men in Black preparing to take control of the United States, or for other nefarious purposes.
A fun little riff popped up on RedCounty/OCBlog today about how John and Ken found the story about the Outsourcing of traffic ticket processing by the Orange County Courts.
Where’d The Outsourcing Story Come From?
I’m a the only one who finds the timing of the traffic ticket outsourcing story suspicious?
Does anyone believe John & Ken found it one their own?
The OC Board of Supervisors is going to vote tomorrow on whether to rescind the retroactive portion of AOCDS’ 2001 pension spike.
A few days before hand, John & Ken magically discover the outsourcing contract, post it on their website and hold the Board of Supervisors responsible and urge their listeners to call the supes.
It seems clear to me that whoever leaked the story to John & Ken led them to believe the Board of Supes was responsible for the contract. That may be why J & K didn’t independently verify it.
And who works at the courthouse? Lots of AOCDS members who are angry at Moorlach and the Board.
This isn’t just speculation on my part. I have heard from several different very good sources that J & K got the tip from a deputy working at the courthouse. That doesn’t constitute solid confirmation, but it rings true to me.
I wonder if it occurred to Cunningham that there are hundreds of other law enforcement personnel who write tickets who may also know about the way those tickets are processed? I really shouldn’t be surprised that Cunningham would try to spin the story of a bad outsourcing program and make it about the OC Deputy Sheriff’s trying to distract the Board of Supervisor’s from Moorlach’s nutty proposal to give public funds to trial attorneys? But then again, since the litigation services Moorlach wants the Board to fund are “outsourced”, it really isn’t a problem for him anyway.
Matt and his friends Moorlach and Norby usually cannot find an outsourcing idea that they don’t like. In a different post on this topic, The Brouhaha Over Outsourcing Traffic Ticket Data Processing, Cunningham wrote:
Tomorrow will be a big day at the Board of Supervisors. In addition to voting on Sup. Moorlach’s request to rescind the AOCDS’ retroactive pension spike, the Board will deal with the fallout over the OC Court’s outsourcing of traffic ticket data entry to Cerritos-based CCDE — which has the actual data entry performed at a facility in Nogales, Mexico.
Personally, I don’t think the outsourcing is that big a deal, although I’d like to know whether CCDE has conducted its own back-ground checks on the Nogales personnel doing the data entry.
Well color me surprised… NOT!
Sometimes you’ve just got to wonder.
Oh, Chris! Are you suggesting that Matt Cunningham is enagaing in too much conspiracy peddling? Well, I guess if he thinks that the “enviro Left” is deceiving people into believing that climate change is human induced, AND the “Defeatist Left” is undermining Our Great Leader Dubya’s resolve in defeating the terrorists in Iraq… I guess this isn’t being too harsh.
So I believe… I believe that Matt needs to give up the black helicopter fantasies. 😉