This should really be filed under “Republican Mistakes.”ÂÂ
For years the Republican “no new taxes and fees” coalition has run the Garden Grove City Council. I should know, for five years I served on the city’s Sanitary District Advisory Commission. During my term on the Commission I was made clear from the start that rate increases, specifically those required to address infrastructure, faced an uphill and possibly insurmountable trek.
Particularly Councilman Mark Leyes would take the lead in opposing any increase at all, regardless of need. Because of the competition between Leyes, Van Tran, and Bill Dalton for higher office, the council has been negligent in addressing the unfunded infrastructure needs of the city.
Consequently, residents are faced with a proposed 64% increase in water rates followed by additional increases of 5% in following years.
According the Central Garden Grove Neighborhood Association:
An ad hoc committee was established by the City Council. The committee was composed of the Chair of the Neighborhood Association, Chair of the Chamber of Commerce, a business owner and an apartment owner. The committee met twice within the two week period. A detailed explanation of the report prepared by the independent consultant, Black & Veatch, described the schedule and costs for repair of water infrastructure to ensure public health and fire protection and pay the current debt. The committee worked with the consultant and city staff to explore ideas for how to spread out the rate increases more evenly over five years and meet the financial goals. The rates considered are:
- 40%    first year
- 20%    second year
- 10%    third year
- 9%      fourth year
- 5%      fifth year
This is what you get when Republican’s, who believe that public services and infrastructure should just magically exist and be maintained, run the show. This reminds me of a motto I learned years ago called the 6 P’s…
Proper  Planning Prevents Piss  Poor Production
To the residents of Garden Grove who are upset about this I have to ask? How many of you voted to keep these guys in charge for so long? Will you remember this increase and the poor planning governed by aspirations for higher office that caused it, when you vote in November 2008?
The Orange County Register has additional coverage of this issue today HERE.
I’m proud that water fees were kept stagnant during the Republican administration of the city of GG.
It’s not an income problem, it’s a spending problem. Cut services elsewhere.