Dems at Strawberry Festival

I spent the afternoon in a booth selling strawberry-related items for the non-profit organization that I work for at the Strawberry Festival in Garden Grove.  I also took a minute to stop by the Orange County Democratic Party booth:


I saw Robin Marcario and a nice lady named Anne working (I didn’t catch Anne’s last name).

If you’d like to see the festival, it’s not too late.  The festival is open all day on Monday from 10 a.m. to 8:30 p.m.


  1. According to my sources, the “Marines” that marched with Loretta Sanchez in the Strawberry Festival parade were not Marines at all. They were actors hired as part of a cheap publicity stunt.

    And a cunning stunt it was.

    Warmly yours,
    Pete Fundy
    Senior Editorial Writer

  2. As Orange County’s leading conservative commentator, Pete Fundy will be the first to admit that President Bush spreads it a little thick at times. Personally, I blame all of the cocaine and Jim Beam.

    That being said, Loretta Sanchez will never hold a candle to any Republican worth his salt, so why does she keep trying?

    Warmly yours,
    Pete Fundy
    Senior Editorial Writer

  3. Why would anyone want to try to be a Republican now? THe current leadership seems a bit smarmy to me.

  4. Fundy,
    You are delusional. Those were real Marines in that parade. I was there. Loretta is a memeber of the House Armed Services Commitee and has access to Marine Colour Guards to go on Parades. Why the heck would she use actors?

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