Gonzo! Gonzo?

From Democratic Daily Posted by Pamela Leavey      

Arlen Specter, the top Republican on the Senate Judiciary Committee speculated on Sunday that “Attorney General Alberto Gonzales might step down in the face of a substantial Senate “no-confidence” vote on his performance.”

Asked on CBS’ “Face the Nation” whether many Republicans would join the majority Democrats in voting against Gonzales possibly as early as this week, Republican Sen. Arlen Specter of Pennsylvania said, “I think so.”

“You already have six Republicans calling for his resignation,” he said. “I have a sense … that before the vote is taken, that Attorney General Gonzales may step down.”

The White House down played the speculation, with a good ole boy pat on the back for Gonzales once again…

The White House said it was unclear whether there would be such a vote and criticized those Democrats pushing for it, singling out New York Democratic Sen. Charles Schumer in particular.

“As for no-confidence votes, maybe senators need a refresher course on American civics,” said White House spokesman Tony Fratto, with President George W. Bush in Crawford, Texas. “What I mean is I think you find no-confidence votes in parliamentary systems, not the American system of government.”

If I were a betting person, I’d place money on Gonzo being gone by the end of the week.

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