OC News Quiz: April 11, 2007

News Quiz

1. Next Tuesday the Orange County Board of Supervisors will be holding a public hearing about which controversial issue?

(A) The statewide Medical Marijuana Identification Card Program
(B) Pension plans for County Employees
(C) Day labor centers on county property

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2. Anaheim City Councilwoman Lorri Galloway was detained by Disneyland security guards this week for what reason?

(A) She refused to allow the security guards search her purse before entering the amusement park.
(B) Galloway led a public protest on Disneyland’s property.
(C) She went in a backstage area of the Disneyland hotel to pose for pictures with an LA Times photographer.

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3. The California Court of Appeals agreed to take up the issue of Trung Nguyen’s appeal of a lower court’s ruling that placed Janet Nguyen on the Orange County Board of Supervisors. What are the names of the lawyers representing Trung and Janet?

(A) Andy Schroder and Mike Do
(B) Mike Schroder and Andy Do
(C) Anthony Do and Mark Schroder

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4. Last week in Vietnam the government blocked Congresswoman Loretta Sanchez from meeting with the wives of several jailed dissidents. Who spoke about the incident this week and called it “deeply troubling”?

(A) Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice
(B) White House spokesperson Dana Perino
(C) Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi

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5. A Santa Ana Police Department presented the Police Service Medal for Valor Award to officer Juan Montiel this week for what?

(A) Leaning over a freeway overpass guardrail to grab a teen attempting to jump.
(B) Rushing into a burning vehicle to save a mother and a three-month old baby
(C) Worked on his own time to track down and arrest a suspect in the 16-year-old murder of a grandmother.

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The Answers:

1. A
2. C
3. B
4. A
5. A

1 Comment

  1. The quiz is a great idea to challenge how knowledgeable we are, the public. Please continue to keep us on our toes! Ask a question as to who the readers believe will be appointed to the GG city council on Monday, April 16th? Thoughtfully, Robin Marcario

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