There isn’t a whole bunch of news going on in the Orange County political world right now, as Gina at OC Metroblog points out:
You know it’s a slow news day when The OC Register has this as one of its headlines:
Vacuum cleaner explodes at Newport Beach hotel
So I thought that I’d take a little time to post the links to all of the political blogs that I like to read on a regular basis, and solicit readers to add links to the blogs they read in the comments of this post.
Here’s my list of (at least) daily reads:
The Orange Juice The wide range of voices on this blog make it a truly unique one. Some have said that it is too focused on Santa Ana, but I think that with the addition of Joe Shaw and a few other bloggers, that will be changing soon.
Mike’s Daily Lockup Mike Randall’s personal blog isn’t always about politics, but it usually is.
Daily Kos No explanation needed.
OC Blog/ Red County We usually disagree on a lot of things, but the OCBlog still has scooped a lot of stories, and they are a great resource when it comes to figuring out what the OC GOP is up to.
Total Buzz Run by the Orange County Register’s political reporters, this blog is for those people that want to know the political news as it happens, and cannot wait for tomorrow’s newspaper.
Orange Punch Run by the “libertarian†editorial board at the Orange County Register. This blog is for those people that want to know what the wacky libertarian editorial writers at the Reg. are thinking before it hits print.
The Blotter From the Orange County Weekly, this blog isn’t always focused on politics, but usually is. (I miss Alex Brant-Zawadzki.)
Working Californians This blog is part of the Working Californian’s site. They are a nonprofit group that is dedicated to promoting quality-of-life issues for working men and women in the LA & So. Cal area.
Calitics Calitics is like the dailykos of California. Users can submit their own blog posts, and the content is usually very interesting and relevant.
So what do you read every day? Leave the links in the comments section.
Awwww. Thanks Mike. I’m touched. Really. And not by a priest either.
Thanks for the plug Mike! I cover politics and I try to mix it up a little bit.
Great topic 😉
In addition to most of the blogs you mentioned I try to read Robert Salladay’s Political Muscle at
I read Flash Report so you don’t have to. I also love and
There is this web tool I use, that gather who-reads-what blogs, Hope it helps you and your readers.