Curt: Keys?

The President doesn’t read newspapers, why should you? Only nerdy intellectuals waste their time with facts and new stories. Curt is a very curt fellow. He sums up all of the political news that is going on in Orange County in just one word.

  • OC Register’s Total Buzz: “Correa locked out of office by Democratic leader”
  • OC Blog: “Capitol lock out hits Sen. Correa
  • Orange Punch: “Perata punishes Correa for his moderation

    1. Well, Perata did spend a lot of money buying the office for Lou. I guess he can change the locks if Lou doesn’t do his bidding. That is why they call it “being bought and paid for.”

      Lou had to know that the Perata controlled money, spent in the primary and general elections, came with a leash and collar.

      I believe the dog-tags read something like “Senator Lou Correa”
      “If found astray Call Don Perata”

      But seriously, how much more childish can Perata get? He’s got a serious “Caesar” complex. Locking Senators out of their offices!

      Apparently, Don hasn’t read much Shakespeare, he should know better than to piss off Senators.

      Beware the Ides of March.

    2. My goodness! Perata acts like a brat, yet my Senator has to be punished for it… What’s wrong with this picture?

      Now yes, we may not agree with Lou all the time. And yes, Lou may not be progressive as I’d like… But come on, locking him out of his office?

      Perata’s acting like such a brat. It’s just too bad that all of us in Orange County also have to suffer for Perata’s immaturity and naughty behavior as our calls go unanswered and our Senator can’t get working.

    3. Brilliant. Quite possibly the best move in Perata’s career. Correa is a dipshit, wouldn’t even explain votes and then went out and raised money to undermine the Party. Hopefully he’ll learn his leason.

    4. Perata would be smart to get to know Lou better; and Lou should be more proactive too. Locking someone out of their office is nothing but childish and doesn’t help us.

    5. You’re right, Dan. Lou should have a better relationship with the Dem leadership. However, Perata’s action certainly does not help in meeting that goal. This was nothing more than a ridiculous and immature stunt that did nothing toward “keeping the moderates in line”. If anything, I wouldn’t be surprised if Correa, McLeod, and Calderon feel just a little alienated (and VERY angry) right now.

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