Total Buzz Blog and RedCounty/OCBlog are reporting that Janet Nguyen has picked up a net of 4 votes so far. It seems that the Trung folks are trying to blame the Unions and Democrats for Mr. Feather’s recount request. They, of course have no evidence to support those allegations, or their allegations that Janet Nguyen is behind both recounts, but that doesn’t stop their accusations.Maybe they should call Miss Cleo and see if she can figure it all out. ÂÂ
Based upon Martin Wisckol’s conversation with Mr. Feather earlier today, he ain’t talkin. So speculate away people, it just adds to the spectacle. Martin did get a photo of the “Mysterious Mr. Feather” (below), so at least we do know he exists.
Then of course Total Buzz Blog also has a great shot of the “Enemy Combatants”; Left to right, here’s Jimmy Camp of Janet Nguyen‘s campaign, Mike Schroeder of Trung Nguyen‘s campaign, and Fred Woocher of the mysterious Feather’s effort.
Matt over at RedCounty/OCBlog has posted two videos on YouTube, the first of Mr. Woocher at work and the second of the actual recounting process at work.[ev type=”youtube” data=”2QVuaNpS1bw”][/ev]
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