Volunteer some time to Umberg

While the Republican’s haven’t officially endorsed anyone, and aren’t really organized behind one candidate, the Democrats are not just organized but out there doing what it takes to keep this seat for a Dem.

Volunteer some time to the local party.  They need help phone banking, scanning, etc.  Call 714-835-5158 to set something up.

1 Comment

  1. I may be throwing another wrench in the well-oiled Democratic machine by bringing this up, but I’d like to remind our loyal readers that there are three other good Democrats who ACTUALLY RESIDE in the First District and might benefit from their help. Let us not forget Councilman Rosen, Mr. Diaz or Mr. Pham. I invite each candidate to send information about upcoming events so that they might be publicized on this very blog.
    They might not be frontrunners or endorsed by the party (you might want to ask Loretta Sanchez how important THAT endorsement has proven to be), but they are solid Democratic candidates who could also use our support.

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