The New Term at Irvine City Hall

Enjoyed visiting the gang at Irvine City Hall for tonight’s swearing in ceremony; of course, nothing has changed so it won’t be long before the council meetings move to something more like “swearing at.”

What I am amazed by were the number of people who work at city hall who read this site. I’m not naming names, least someone get a nasty phone call, but I appreciate the feedback tonight.

Irvine Mayor Beth Krom posed with Debbie Cook, Mayor Pro Tempore of Huntington Beach.

While Krom, Sukhee Kang and Larry Agran were pretty popular, Beth Krom’s dad was impossible to get ahold of. He’s a former TV anchorman in Buffalo.

The council member with the most charming escort tonight? With all apologies to Sukhee’s Kang’s charming wife, it was Christina Shea and her grandchild were joined at the hip. Cute kid.

I also met Sue Kuwabarra of IUSD for the first time and Gavin Huntley Fenner, another newly elected IUSD trustee, made quite an impression on my son. While I have had issues with the school board over the years, I have always found that most members are ready to listen and care deeply about what they do.