Seasoned Reporters take notice because this type of opportunity rarely comes along, says the job posting that I accidentally stumbled upon this afternoon.
The Reg. is looking for a libertarian thinker who can consistently write distinctive, persuasive editorials for our daily newspaper and online opinion website in tune with our philosophy of (a) respect for the individual, (b) limited government, (c) free markets, and (d) free trade.
The job posting makes this position sound great, but it has long been rumored that Steve Greenhut takes Casual Fridays to a whole new level…so applicants beware!
Well, I’m screwed. I can only write left wing editorials. Wonder who is leaving? Bock or Seiler? Greenhut isn’t going anywhere.
This is really an image my tired eyes did not need to see.
“Wonder who is leaving? Bock or Seiler?”
I hope it’s not Bock… I actually appreciate many of his opinion pieces in the Register. Sure, he’s not a progressive… But he’s not a hard-core neo-con or theo-con either. He’s actually a pretty thoughtful libertarian, and I hope he’s not the one that’s leaving the paper.
But on the other hand, is there something we can do about Jabba? Just seeing a photo of him in a swimsuit scares the bejeezis out of me. ; )
We should all apply. The Register’s editorial pages do not reflect the makeup of Orange County any longer. They need a voice or two from the left.
Seiler’s the one leaving.