I’ve been hearing about the “looming” arrests that are about to be
made in the party-switching scandal from the OCGOP paid petitioners
for so long.
I even wrote something about the rumor back in August, and made the
mistake of claiming to know it to be truth.
Then again a week ago I heard that in the early part of this week
there was supposed to be some action in the case…but I think that once
today is done, we are technically into middle-week.
And just this evening I got an email from a friend that told me that
said that 9 to 12 people will be getting arrested by the end of the
This is just one of those things that you have to see to believe.
I just thought I’d bump this post up a few notches. Thanks
3:16 PM
LongBeachPolitics.org has two write-ups on the debate second debate:
* CA-46: Rohrabacher Stays the Course, Cuts and Runs
* CA-46: The Brandt-Rohrabacher Debate at Golden West