BOS: “Not a county issue.”

The Board of Supervisors just met and discussed sending letters to the 14,000 voters that received the silly Tan Nguyen letter reminding them that it is legal for citizens of the United States to vote.

The board decided that “this is not a county issue.”

Details on the meeting will be coming shortly.


  1. Could somebody clue me in to the connection between the OC Board of Supervisors and this alleged Hate Crime?

    What is their responsibilty in oversight?

    What are the possible options they have to handling the matter?

    Just the facts, maam.

  2. They have to approve the sending of any letter from the Registrar of Voters. It’s an expenditure.

    It’s not a connection, it’s just the way the county government is set up to operate.

  3. It is the duty of the County Elections officer (Registrar of Voters) to provide an impediment-free environment that encourages all eligible citizens to cast a ballot.
    BOS oversees ROV.
    And who, exactly is alleging hate crime?

  4. MR – Thanks. I was not attempting BOS/Tan link.

    Publius – Thanks also. Actually, the Governor made statements this weekend equating Tan’s letter to that of a hate crime.

    However, I used the word alleged because it has yet to be proven in a court of law. I am not sure if I used the word alleged correctly.

    I like you assertion of the words impediment-free, would that also include having an adequate number of polling booths to suit a given population?

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