Lost in Translation 2.0

From left: Bill Braniff, Attorney forTan
Nguyen for Congress campaign;Tan Nguyen,
the candidate; DavidWeichert, Tan Nguyen’s
personalcriminal defense attorney

Andrew Davey reports to the LiberalOC that Mr. Braniff, who has now volunteered to represent the Tan Nguyen campaign, is claiming that the campaign engaged in a legal activity by sending out the now-infamous “Immigrants can’t vote” letter. He claimed that Tan did not personally approve of the letter, yet he never explained how the campaign had obtained an English version of the letter. He also never let us know who exactly was behind the letter.

You’ve gotta love the spin. The letter that Tan previously knew nothing about, which he now has an “original” English version of, was translated incorrectly.

Tan, when did you get that letter, and why did you deny prior knowledge of it? Why should anyone believe your version now, when you lied in the first place and blamed a campaign staffer? And furthermore, what computer was that letter on? I’m sure the Attorney General would like access to it as well.

Here is what Tan and his attorney say is the original text of the letter he supposedly did not know about and did not authorize.

You are receiving this letter because you recently registered to vote. If you are a citizen of the U.S. we encourage you to participate in the democratic process.

However, if you are here illegally or are just a resident with a green card, you should be advised that voting in any Federal Election is a crime and may result in imprisonment, and WILL result in deportation.

In fact, the U.S. Government is in the process of installing a new computer system which will be used to check and verify all new registrants who vote in the October/November elections. Private anti-immigration organizations may also bring a law suit to have access to this new computer system.

Unlike Mexico, there is NO BENEFIT to voting. There is no VOTER CARD in the USA. It is therefore very stupid to vote in any election if you are not a citizen.

Do not pay attention to any politician who tells you anything contrary. They have THEIR OWN INTERESTS. They just want to win elections. They do not care what happens to you.

Andrew Davey has some more pictures over on his blog. Click Here


  1. Isn’t he lovely?

    Isn’t Tan a hoot?

    Tan’s trying desperately to spin this scandal into oblivion…
    But I guess that he didn’t get the memo that he’s already at the point of oblivion!

  2. Anonymous,

    Nothing but love to you, but you’ve gotta stop running around like a decapitated chicken, squaking, “Communist!!!” at everyone. It makes you look crazy and ineloquent, and it makes Vietnamese people in the community look crazy and ineloquent, too.

    So, c’mon, let’s stop hiding behind our mask, and start representing a little bit better. Our ancestors deserve it! =0)

  3. Here’s the Democratic version:

    You are receiving this letter because you recently registered to vote. If you are a citizen of the U.S. we encourage you to participate in the democratic process.

    However, if you are here illegally or are just a resident with a green card, you should be advised that voting in any Federal Election is a crime and may result in imprisonment, and WILL result in deportation. Also, do NOT register your pets. There’s almost zero chance that voting for “Fluffy” will get you into trouble, but just do not DO IT. Also, if you have multiple personality disorder, DO not register each of your personalities. For all you know, they might vote for non-Democrats! And, DO not register space aliens, fictional characters, dead people, names you just made up, words you saw on billboards, or anagrams of any of the preceding. They check these registrations closely (except on Wednesdays), so be very careful.


    The Mexican consulate general of La Habra, on behalf of Howard Dean M.D.

  4. Moving away from the topic here (which has already become quite a circus) I’ll go ahead and ask:
    Can anyone identify the guy in the green t-shirt behind Tan in the photo?

  5. Wow, I don’t trust that question at all for some reason. =0)

    Tan staffers and volunteers need to start acting legitimately, or they’re going to keep up their reputation as goons.

    Tan’s speech:
    He took a long walk at the beach, and spoke to a bunch of hispanics? I didn’t know hispanics just all hung around the beach like that. I thought they hung around the front of Vietnamese supermarkets waiting for work.
    I also love how he practically accuses Loretta Sanchez of writing the mailing the letter herself because (ahem) SHE speaks Spanish, he doesn’t. That’s the type of logical thinking we totally need.

    So if I’m not mistaken, Tan, in the process of soiling himsel, has already pushed two women in front of him to catch his bullets… all in a matter of just over a week. Big man!

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