The press conference that was supposed to take place at Tan Nguyen’s Garden Grove office didn’t take place. Instead, the media was treated with a front-row seat of the Department of Jusitce agents raiding Tan’s stuff.
The cameras were pressed against the window, everyone was hoping to get a peek at something juicy.
Tan’s attorney speaks with reporters telling them how upset Tan was that DOJ agents decided to raid the office at the same time of the press conference.
The agents were taking evidence out the back in boxes, and I was told that they even packed up and took computers.
Frank Barbaro, The Chairman of the Democratic Party of Orange County talks with reporters.
OOOOH! You have nice pictures too. : )
Nice Pretty Pictures!!! These are going on the Metroblog, with a hat tip to the Liberal OC.
Check out Frank Barbaro and Mike Levin, those two know how to look sharp when they go to the GOP Titanic.
GOPers, you are some evil bastards!
“We disavowed him… we never knew…”
Poll Guards and now this. Go F*** yourself OC GOP. Hopefully this starts the beginning of the end to your boys club in this county.