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This is a crying shame; Barbara is a fiscal conservative and social progressive with heart. She’s a successful businesswoman in her own right and has been unfairly dragged into a debate on a possible conflcit of interest concerning her husband’s former business (from people with their own conflict of interest issues).
This race should be about letting the voters decide, not a small group of small thinkers who judge how “Republican” you are as a standard.
Barbara may have declined this particular battle, but she’s become something greater than a candidate — she’s a committed citizen activist. I hope we see her name on a ballot again soon.
Here is her announcement below.
Barbara Venezia announced today that she is withdrawing her candidacy for Newport Beach City Council, District Four.
Venezia stated,
“I am extremely saddened that I have decided to withdraw my candidacy for city council. I pray that the hundreds of volunteers that believe in me and my goals will understand my situation and not be disappointed.
I pulled papers for this race intending to draw upon my 20 years experience in the television business, my volunteer work for good causes all over this County, and my love for family and community. I looked forward to drawing upon these experiences to make Newport Beach a better place. The many wonderful friends I met along the campaign trail, including the Police, Firefighters and Lifeguard Employee Associations, all believe in my integrity, character, and intelligence and in my ability to better our community. That is what I am about.
My chief supporter is my husband of 18 years. Stan has spent that time providing for me and walking side by side in all my business and civic endeavors. He also spent his career building his former company, Rainbow Disposal, then selling his shares in the company back to the employees when he retired more than two years ago. The last thing I wanted when I filed the candidate papers was for my race or my City service to have any negative ramifications on my family, the wonderful employees and families at Rainbow Disposal, or my City.
There are people who hide in the shadows, parasites that thrive on the nasty business of politics that are not only trying to malign my character and what I stand for, but are trying to drag my husband into a cesspool of innuendo. I will not be a party to this.
As I write this today, in my mailbox is another piece of negative mail maligning another candidate…the ugliness continues and will continue until people say enough is enough. The result will be that the pool of quality people to choose from will get smaller and smaller as intelligent capable people, weigh this option.
I am in the process of writing to each supporter and along with a personal note; I will be enclosing a check returning their generous contributions to my campaign. I am, and always will be about doing the right thing. In ending this campaign, I am doing the right thing for my family and those I love. To my detractors, I say you have not won, I will still be a vocal voice in the community, continuing to do good work uniting the community for a strong voice on issues.”
Barbara Venezia
Barbara and I exchanged emails this morning; had the story first at 10:30 p.m. last night and we posted just before 11PM PDT. Not sure what time the Daily Pilot posted but I know the story was online when I logged off at midnight.
Barbara is a total class act. I think principled voters in NPB ought to elect her anyway.
An Update: Barbara announced her decision in an editorial board meeting at the Daily Pilot yesterday afternoon. But we (the got the official news release first. And we may have posted first, but there is no way to tell on the Daily Pilot’s web site. Here’s the link:
Yea, well… Carol Rudat doesn’t live in Orange.