At the Monday night Democratic Central Committee meeting the party considered making a late endorsement of Robert Douglas, candidate for City Council in Orange. At the August meeting, Orange City Council candidate Phil Martinez was endorsed by the Central Committee. At that time, Robert Douglas was registered as a Republican.
Since then Mr. Douglas contacted the Democratic Party of Orange County and requested an endorsement. Party staff checked his registration and informed him that since he was registered as a Republican, he was ineligible to receive the party endorsement.
Apparently Mr. Douglas had neglected to change his registration, even though he was endorsed by Congresswoman Loretta Sanchez two years ago as well as now. Robert considers himself a Democrat, and he went down to the Registrar’s office and changed his party registration. He is now a newly registered Orange County Democrat. The Democratic Party of Orange County did not have to pay someone to change his registration without his knowledge, he did so on his own.
In true blue democratic form, the Democratic Party of Orange County seriously considered Robert Douglas’ request for an endorsement. The Central Committee members asked Robert several questions about his stands on a few issues and then voted to provide their endorsement.
Now there are two Democrats (Phil Martinez and Robert Douglas) endorsed for the two available positions on the City Council of Orange.
Oh, and let’s not forget…
Even my Congresswoman, Loretta Sanchez, used to be a Repug oce upon a time…
But she “saw the light”, came onto our side…
And now she’s doing a good job representing me in Congress!
Now compare that to the OC GOP’s lack of enthusiasm for DINO/RINO/IINO Tan Nguyen!
Yes, we Dems love to hold a big tent.